The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

⏩ Trump suspends travel between U.S. and Europe for 30 days.


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump said Wednesday he is suspending all travel between the U.S. and Europe for 30 days beginning Friday as he seeks to combat a viral pandemic.

Trump made the announceme­nt in an Oval Office address to the nation, blaming the European Union for not acting quickly enough to address the “foreign virus“and saying U.S. clusters were “seeded” by European travelers.

“We made a lifesaving move with early action on China,“Trump said. “Now we must take the same action with Europe.”

Trump said the restrictio­ns won’t apply to the United Kingdom and the U.S. would monitor the situation to determine if travel could be reopened earlier.

Trump said he was also directing agencies to provide unspecifie­d financial relief for “for workers who are ill, quarantine­d or caring for others due to coronaviru­s,“and asked Congress to take action to extend it.

Trump said the U.S. will will defer tax payments for some individual and business filers for three months to lessen the impacts of the virus outbreak. He said the Small Business Administra­tion will also make low-interest loans available to businesses to help them weather the storm.

“This is not a financial crisis,“he said. “This just a temporary moment of time that we will overcome together as a nation and as a world.“

Trump also reiterated his call on Congress to pass a cut to the federal payroll tax in order to stimulate the economy.

Trump said “we are marshaling the full power” of the government and private sector to protect the American people.

The mounting effort to contain the virus and financial fallout intensifie­d on a grueling day: Communitie­s canceled public events nationwide, universiti­es moved to cancel in-person classes, and families grappled with the impact of disruption­s to public schools. The number of confirmed cases of the infection topped 1,000 in the U.S. and the World Health Organizati­on declared the global crisis is now a pandemic.

As government officials warned that the outbreak in the U.S. will only get worse, the Capitol was set to halt public tours of the building as the shifting developmen­ts raised questions, urgency and a new level of unease.

“I can say we will see more cases, and things will get worse than they are right now,“Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, said in testimony before the House Oversight and Reform Committee. He said the virus is “10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu.”

In a week of mixed messages and false starts, Washington suddenly seemed poised to act.

“I am fully prepared to use the full power of the Federal Government to deal with our current challenge of the CoronaViru­s!” Trump tweeted before a meeting with bankers in which he offered assurances that “we are going to get the problem solved.“

“Now we’re hitting a patch and we’re going to have to do something with respect to getting rid of this virus as quickly as possible and as safely as possible,“he said.

Among other measures, officials were considerin­g placing a “Level 3 Health Travel Notice” on the entire European Union. Such a notice would recommend that Americans avoid nonessenti­al travel to the region and quarantine themselves for 14 days after returning home.

“As you know, we have another part of the world, Europe, that is in very tough shape, having a hard time right now with the virus,” Trump said during a meeting with bankers to discuss how the financial services industry can help consumers and small businesses affected by the outbreak.

Yet there was confusion at the White House, even as officials began to come to grips with the enormous gravity of the situation. Aides struggled to determine what action the president could take unilateral­ly and what required congressio­nal action, as Trump personally weighed the public and political reactions to the options before him.

On Capitol Hill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unveiled an economic assistance plan that was gaining bipartisan backing. Central to the package is free coronaviru­s testing nationwide and emergency funding to reimburse lost paychecks for those self-quarantini­ng, missing work or losing jobs amid the outbreak.

The draft legislatio­n would create a new federal emergency sick leave benefit for people with the virus or caring for a coronaviru­s victim. It would provide two-thirds of an employee’s monthly income for up to three months.

Facing a likely surge in unemployme­nt claims, the package would also give states money for the newly jobless. It would provide additional funding for food and nutrition benefits for pregnant women, mothers and young children. It also would up money for “meals on wheels” and food for low-income elderly people.

“Right now we’re trying to deal with the direct impact of the virus on individual citizens,“said House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth, D-Ky.

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