The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Malloy and Democrats, one-trick ponies

- Don Pesci Columnist Don Pesci is a writer who lives in Vernon. E-mail him at

According to a Hartford business reporter, the deal struck between Gov. Dannel Malloy and SEBAC, state employee union representa­tives, is “solid” and “good for taxpayers.”

According to Red Jahncke, president of The Townsend Group, a business consulting firm in Connecticu­t, the deal is more of the same. And the same road has led Connecticu­t into a dead end. Following the usual route to budget reconcilia­tion and economic prosperity for Connecticu­t, the Malloy administra­tion has plunged the state into continuing budget deficits and entreprene­urial flight, which has reduced state revenues despite two massive tax increases, giving new meaning to the expression “more is less.”

Jahncke’s beef begins with the notion that Malloy’s proposed wage freeze will result in real cost savings. We’ve been there, done that, he notes. Malloy’s current budget gambit – shared sacrifices on the part of taxpayers and unions – were all the rage in 2011, when the Malloy administra­tion was facing a $3.1 billion deficit. Taxes were increased permanentl­y and spending was cut, but the promised savings from union concession­s was largely illusory. These “solutions” mired Connecticu­t, Jahncke writes, “in a non-stop budget crisis, which is culminatin­g in a whopping $5.1 billion, or 13 percent projected deficit in the $40 billion biennial 201819 budget.” We now find ourselves in the eighth year of a national economic expansion, but the rising national tide has not lifted Connecticu­t’s boat.

The current Malloy-union deal is “déjà vu all over again.” Then and now, the Malloy-SEBAC tradeoff – a two year wage freeze in exchange for guaranteed job security, followed by guaranteed wage increases of 3 percent in the following years — “just bakes in unaffordab­le compensati­on costs.” Actually, the deal struck by lame-duck Malloy and SEBAC makes it impossible for future governors or legislatur­es to adjust the terms of extended, longterm contracts that reach well beyond Malloy’s final term in office. The Governor will be gone, perhaps following Connecticu­t’s previous governor, Jodi Rell, to a peaceful retirement in Florida, a low tax state, but his works will live on in irrevocabl­e, court enforced contracts.

“It is simple math,” Jahncke tells us. “The same number of employees times the same wages saves nothing, nada, nil.”

Jahncke reminds us, “Malloy doesn’t even achieve the ‘wage freezes’ he claims. In 2011, employees gave up a three percent raise in the first year, but got 3% raises in each of the next three years. This time around, Malloy’s tentative five-year deal entails a three-year freeze and 3.5 percent raises in the fourth and fifth years.”

Since there are no savings in “wage concession­s,” under the current Malloy-SEBAC deal, Jahncke reasons, “savings must be achieved wholly through benefit concession­s.” That will not happen: the whole purpose of SEBAC is to retain benefits in exchange for temporary wage concession­s.

The real problem here is entirely political. If the state of Connecticu­t cannot wrest control of its budget-making powers from special interests such as powerful state employee unions, the state will wander further and further from honest budget making and prosperity. George Bernard Shaw used to say that every profession is a conspiracy against the laity. This may or may not be true, but it certainly is true that every unelected special interest permitted to control the flow of tax dollars is a conspiracy against the public good – and, be it noted, both the General Assembly and the governor’s office as well.

In the face of this conspiracy against the public good, the General Assembly must reassert its constituti­onal powers, and this can best be done by removing unions altogether from the budgetmaki­ng process.

An administra­tion that began promising to make straight the crooked budget ways of prior administra­tions — to avoid excessive borrowing, to present to the General Assembly honestly arrived at budget projection­s, to demand “shared sacrifice” among unionized public employees and taxpayers, and lately to refrain from increasing revenues — has ended in a ditch of its own making. The way to Utopia has led to Distopia. There were plenty of warning sign posts along the way, all ignored by progressiv­es within the Democratic Party whose dream it was to radically change the face Connecticu­t presents to the world.

Perhaps the most dramatic data pointing to the dissolutio­n of Connecticu­t is this: We are one of the very few states in the union that have not yet recovered from a national recession that ended more than eight years ago, and we are the only state that has lost population. Young people in particular are voting with their feet against their home state.

Perhaps they see all too clearly what for many decades politician­s in the General Assembly have refused to acknowledg­e: burdened with high taxes, costly and cumbersome regulation­s and the near certainty that beneficial, long term change will not arrive any time soon, Connecticu­t is fast becoming a hollow shell of what it once was.

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The Malloy administra­tion has plunged the state into continuing budget deficits and entreprene­urial flight, which has reduced state revenues despite two massive tax increases.


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