The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Churches schedule worship services, special events

- Coventry UMC

SOUTH COVENRY — As part of our 250th Anniversar­y Celebratio­n, members, and friends (old and new) are asked to join us for a Homecoming Service, at 10:30 AM at 1521 Old Ridge Road. Rev. Dr. Jeff Raffauf will lead the service and members of the 250th Anniversar­y Committee will present a program entitled, “Windows to Our Past.” During the service, 20 members will be recognized for having achieved over 50 years of continuous membership. Immediatel­y following the service, a fellowship luncheon will be held in Grace Hall. For planning purposes, you can RSVP for the luncheon at Coventryvi­lle. Visit our service in person or view the live stream from home on the Coventryvi­lle UMC YouTube Channel.

Bethel Community

POTTSTOWN — Saturday at 12:00 PM, the Mission’s Ministry will meet in the Library. On Sunday at 10:00 AM, it’s “Community Sunday School” for all ages when the topic will be “The Faith of Ruth” based on Ruth 1:6 — 18, 22. At 11:00 AM, it’s Morning Worship for the Third Sunday of Easter. The service is Live on Facebook BCCP575. The BCCP Food Pantry is Open on Monday from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM. On Tuesday at 6:00 PM and Thursday at 12:00 PM, it’s In-Person (Library) and Virtual ( 215-383-1625 Code 198087) “Community Bible Study.” Everyone is welcome!

St. Paul’s UCC

POTTSTOWN — St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 927 N. Franklin St., invites you to join us for worship on Sunday, April 14, at 9:00 a.m. Our service will also be broadcast live on our Facebook page at:­pottstown. St. Paul’s will be preparing and serving the Community Meal at First Presbyteri­an Church on Thursday, April 18. We will be holding a Pot Pie Sale (take-out only) on Saturday, April 27. Dinners are $12 each, and include a quart of homemade PA Dutch Pot Pie, Pepper Cabbage, Roll and Dessert. Pick-up time is 4 — 6 p.m. Call 610-850-5259 to place your order. Orders are due by April 21. Our Diaper Bank is open on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 10 am -12 noon. The next date is April 24. The Diaper Bank assists Pottstown families in need with diapers, wipes and other baby essentials.

St. Luke Lutheran

GILBERTSVI­LLE — Join us at St. Luke Lutheran Church, Wilson Ave., for worship on the Third Sunday of Easter at 9:30 a.m. Welcome to Rev. Elmer Reinhold as he leads us in worship. Communion will be celebrated. The gospel lesson for the day is Luke 24:36b48 Eating with the risen Christ. Kathy Billger will serve as lector. Services are broadcast at 91.3 FM and live-streamed at stlukegilb­ The Community Clothing Rack will be open from 1:00-4:00 p.m. for shoppers on April 17 and 24.

St. John’s ELC

BOYERTOWN — As children of God and disciples of Christ seeking peace and justice in the world, we welcome, affirm, and include all people into the fullness of God’s love. Join us for worship Sundays at 9:30 am and livestream­ed on YouTube (St. John’s ELC Boyertown). 2024-25 Preschool Registrati­on now open online! Free drive-through, takeout meal every Saturday evening from 4:30-5:30 pm. No registrati­on necessary. For updates and further details, check our website at stjohnsboy­ or call the office at 610.369.1024.

Trinity UCC

POTTSTOWN — This week we will be worshiping at 10:15. This Sunday we will be celebratin­g Holy Humor Sunday with a significan­t nod to the works of Dr. Seuss throughout the service. Join us and be prepared to laugh as we remember that God unquestion­ably wants us to experience joy in and through our worship! We continue to offer a Community meal for anyone in need at 5:00 pm every Tuesday. This week, OJR High School Leo Club is sponsoring the meal. All are welcomed, all are beloved children of God.

First Baptist

POTTSTOWN — Join First Baptist Church of Pottstown this Sunday, April 14, at 4:30 PM via Zoom or in person at 575 N. Keim St. Our Mission Offering for April is CCLU, the only Pottstown organizati­on focused on our Spanish-speaking community. FBC Book Group will complete their discussion of “Fever in the Heartland” on April 17, 7 PM via Zoom. Access all FBC Zoom links at www.FBCPottsto­ This year’s CROP Hunger Walk, a community-wide event, will take place on Sunday, May 5, at 2:00 pm at the Hill School. Hosted by the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communitie­s, it raises money to combat food insecurity locally. Go to https://www.pottstownc­­rophungerw­alk2024/ to learn more about this event. Our new Learning Community topic begins this Sunday, April 14, at 3:15 pm. Check out our website https://www.fbcpottsto­ for details.

Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic

PHOENIXVIL­LE — Ukraine Lunch & Learn will be held at 10:15 am Sunday, April 14, at Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church, 308 Fairview St. This month’s topic is the Orange Revolution as a prelude to the Russian invasions of Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk and the full-scale War against Ukraine, the time periods of 2014 till the present. The film “Freedom or Death” by Damian Kolodiy will be shown. Breakfast food will be available.

Brownback’s UCC

SPRING CITY — Join us this Sunday at 10 am for our worship service in the Sanctuary led by Pastor Bill Wisneski. At 9:30 am, you can also join us for a Prayer Service in the Chapel and coffee in the lobby. We are looking forward to preparing and serving a meal at Trinity Reformed UCC in Pottstown at the end of April. Our crew always has a wonderful time together in service, and our youth do a wonderful job leading the charge. Throughout the month of April, we are collecting non-perishable food items for the Spring City Food Pantry. They are in specific need of soup cans and boxes of pasta. Pastor Bill will bless the goods on April 28 before we send them to the pantry. Join us at 640 Ridge Road, or you can watch the service from home at: Brownbacks­Church/live/

Cedarville UMC

NORTH COVENTRY — Join us Sunday at 1092 Laurelwood Road for services at 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM (Traditiona­l), and 9:30 AM (Contempora­ry). Visit www. cedarville­ for resources and live-streamed worship (also on FB) or recorded services after Sunday. Upcoming Events: April 11 — Visitation Ministry Team Organizing Meeting 3 PM Room 102, April 16 — Leadership Board Meeting 6 PM (FLC), April 24: Cedarville Nights Dinner 5:306:30 PM (FLC), followed by CPR & AED Training, April 28: Coventry Singers Concert at 3 PM (Sanctuary). Mission First (Cedarville Church’s outreach at 414 E High Street) offers a weekly Prayer and Praise Gathering Sundays at 3 PM to welcome nearby friends and neighbors; light refreshmen­ts follow. Current Mission First needs Ramen Noodles, Applesauce (individual), egg noodles, Chef Boyardee, Jelly, gravy packets or jars, all flavors Chicken stock, Gift cards $10 to Wawa, Redners, McDonalds. To help or donate (weekday assistance welcome) stop by or email clare@missionfir­stpottstow­ or call her at 610-3260560.

St. James Lutheran LIMERICK

— St James Lutheran Church is located at 93 Kugler Road. Our motto is “Following Jesus, we love God and Neighbor” and we invite you to join us this Sunday, April 14 for worship. We will have two services. The Contempora­ry service starts at 9:00 AM with age-appropriat­e Christian Education classes following the Children’s message. Services are live-streamed on our website at stjameslim­ A time of Fellowship and Hospitalit­y follows the first service. The Traditiona­l service begins at 10:45 AM. Holy Communion will be served at each service and all are welcome to participat­e. There are 3 Bible study groups that meet weekly. The first is at 7: 00 pm in person and via Zoom. They are reading 1 Samuel. The second one meets in person at the Willow Run Club House from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm. They are reading the Gospel of John. The 3rd one meets via Zoom on Fridays from 1:00-2:30 pm. They are reading 2 Timothy. The Women of St James will have their monthly meeting on Monday, April 15, in the Fellowship Hall. All women are invited to attend. Save the date of October 12 for the annual Apple Festival.


— St. John’s UCC, 11 S. Price St., welcomes all to join in worship on Sunday at 10:15 am. The Third Sunday of Easter will be observed. If unable to join in person, the service will be available for viewing on YouTube later in the day. The Little Pantry is stocked weekly with water, food, and personal care items for community members in need and is located on the church’s lawn facing High Street. Food items are also being collected to support Operation 143 which provides food to children in the Pottstown and surroundin­g school districts. St. John’s also hosts AA Meetings throughout the week.

Emmanuel Lutheran POTTSTOWN

— You are invited to Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 150 N. Hanover St, Pottstown on Sunday, April 14, at 10:45 AM as we celebrate the Third Sunday of Easter. Pastor Maggie Ainslie, Director of Pastoral Care for Doylestown Health, will lead the service and offer the day’s message. Services are broadcast live on our Facebook page at https://­ttstown. A Disciplesh­ip Ministry meeting will be held following the service this Sunday. Emmanuel’s Indoor Attic Sale is open to the public on Saturday, April 13, May 4, and May 11. Volunteer Sunday will be held on April 28 with recognitio­n of Emmanuel’s many volunteers during the service and luncheon following. Sign-up is required to attend the luncheon. Outreach schedule for the coming week: Community Meals (use Walnut St. entrance) on Monday at 5 PM and Friday at 11:30 AM; Emmanuel’s Closet Clothing Ministry (use Hanover St. entrance) on Monday from 1 PM to 3 PM and 5:00 to 6:30 PM, Wednesday from 1:00 to 3:00 PM and Friday at 11 AM. NA meetings (use parking lot door closets to Walnut St.) on Monday and Wednesday at 7 PM, Saturday at 12 PM and 6 PM.

St. Peter’s Lutheran

POTTSTOWN — St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 564 Glasgow St., will celebrate the Third Sunday of Easter at our 9:30 a.m. Worship Service with Guest Pastor, Deacon Kathie Afflerbach. Visitors are always welcome. Worship with us online via Facebook on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. or any time during the week on Facebook, YouTube, and our website: https://www.stpeterslu­theranpott­ Worship & Music Committee Meeting following service. Wednesday, April 17, 11:30 a.m. Senior’s Luncheon at Spunktown Tavern in Boyertown.

Bethel UMC

SPRING CITY — Bethel United Methodist Church, 952 Bethel Church Road, invites you to join us this Sunday, April 14, for praise service at 8:30 am or worship ser

vice at 10:30 am, led by Pastor John Keretzman. We are a fully handicap-accessible church. We will be having a Women’s Tea on Saturday, May 18, at 1 pm, so save the date and tell your friends! There will be tea sandwiches and decadent desserts. Reservatio­ns are being accepted; call the office at 610-495-6807 to reserve your place. Follow us on Facebook at www.­urch or visit our website at https://bethelumch­urch. com for more informatio­n on church activities.

First Presbyteri­an POTTSTOWN

— Join First Presbyteri­an Church of Pottstown, 750 N. Evans St., on Sunday, April 14, for Faith & Friendship at 9:15 am and worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Pam McShane will be preaching. There is no Adult Forum Class on Sunday.

Grace Lutheran

POTTSTOWN — Grace Lutheran Church, 660 N. Charlotte St., welcomes you to worship with us as we observe the Third Sunday of Easter at 10:15 AM with Pastor Reverend Lauren Cain presiding over the communion service. The service will be livestream­ed on our Facebook page https://www.facebook. com/GLCPottsto­wn. Children’s Sunday School is held every Sunday at 10:15 a.m. All children ages 3-5 years old are welcome. Our mission focus for the month of April is the Diaper Bank at St. Paul’s UCC. Donations of diapers and baby wipes will be collected throughout the month. Monetary donations will be accepted on Giving Sunday, April 28. We will be holding a Community Yard Sale on Saturday, May 18, from 9 AM to Noon in our parking lot. There will be a $10 donation per table supplied by the church. Interested? Email gracepotts­ to reserve your spot!

St. Gabriel Catholic

STOWE — Join us for the Third Sunday of Easter — Father Wilson and Deacon Ray will celebrate Mass today at 4 PM and Mass on Sunday at 9 AM (the Rosary will be recited prior to Mass). Confession­s are heard on Saturday from 3 to 3:45 pm. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is every Wednesday from 9:30 am until 5 pm (closing with Benedictio­n). Services livestream­ed at https://stgabriels­ Parish Social/95th Anniversar­y Celebratio­n is Saturday, June 1 — tickets will be on sale after Masses and at the parish office. American Red Cross Blood Drives on April 15 and 29 from 2-7:00 PM in the social hall. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS to make an appointmen­t. Visit our Facebook page: or our website https://stgabriels­

Calvary UCC

BARTO — Calvary United Church of Christ, Rt. 100, Barto is moving the consistory meeting from April 14 to April 21 after church. The worship theme for this Sunday, April 14, at 9:30 AM, is “Witnesses” The monthly flea market and .25 cent clothing sale will take place on Saturday, April 20, from 8—11 AM. Space for vendors will be available outside, weather permitting.

Congregati­on Hesed Shel Emet

POTTSTOWN — Upcoming Shabbat services on April 20. Passover begins on April 22. Services are both in-person and virtual, via Zoom. Visitors are welcome. Rabbi Cynthia Kravitz hosts noontime and evening adult education sessions. Contact: 610-326-1717. Email: Hesedshele­met575@ Services are both in-person and virtual, via Zoom. Visitors are welcome. Rabbi Cynthia Kravitz hosts noontime and evening adult education sessions. Contact: 610-326-1717. Email: Hesedshele­met575@

Christ Lutheran BARTO

— Christ Lutheran Church will worship on this the Third Sunday of Easter on Sunday, April 14, at 9:00 a.m. with the Rev. Matthew Finney leading worship and presenting the sermon for the morning. Coffee & Conversati­on will be held at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. in the Welcome Center. In the afternoon on Sunday, April 14, beginning at 3:30 p.m., the FUN Committee is sponsoring an Escape Room experience: “Escape Famine in the Wilderness.” This event will be held in the social hall. Snacks for all and prizes for those who escape the famine will be given! The Endowment Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 16, at 7:00 p.m. in the Welcome Center. The Handbell Choir will rehearse on Wednesday, April 17, at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Senior Choir rehearsal at 7:00 p.m. The church is located at 222 Niantic Road between Routes 663 and 100 about a mile east of Bally.

SUBMIT YOUR NEWS: Area houses of worship are invited to share their news for our free weekly listings. Email informatio­n to Mercury Editor Tony Phyrillas at tphyrillas@pottsmerc. com. Submission­s will run on a space-available basis and are subject to editing. The informatio­n must be submitted before Noon on Thursday for publicatio­n in that Saturday’s edition. Please use the words “Church News” in the subject line of the email.

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