The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

Trump and Pelosi show us why women of color struggle to succeed

- Columnist

People of color know Nancy Pelosi. She’s every executive who hired them because their “unique” viewpoint was sorely needed at her organizati­on, but then ignored every new suggestion.

She’s every mentor at a new workplace who suggested that it would be best to learn how things were done and try not to rock the boat. She’s every manager who bristled at expertise about their own community, target audience or demographi­c slice and suggested that the prevailing wisdom was more reliable than their lived experience. Yeah, we know Nancy. Pelosi diminished the Squad — made up of freshman congresswo­men Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.; Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.; and Ayanna Pressley, DMass. — by dismissing their social media clout.

For people of color — and women, in general, for that matter — getting dissed like that is par for the course.

It’s been maddening to watch the whole situation play itself out — from Pelosi’s slam to President Trump capitalizi­ng on Democratic discord by suggesting that the three U.S.-born and one naturalize­d citizen congresswo­men “go back” — because it has felt so terribly familiar.

Trump trotting out the perennial slam — you’re a foreigner, go “back” to some other country — was to be expected.

It’s not like most people of any race or ethnicity wake up in the morning hoping to trivialize someone else’s existence. Yet, it happens. And it’s why most corporatio­ns, nonprofit organizati­ons and other systems, like America’s public schools, can usually do OK at recruiting diverse talent, but really stink at retaining them.

“It’s clear that the factors preventing women of color from advancing at work are quite different from those holding white women and even men of color back,” wrote diversity and inclusion experts Zuhairah Washington and Laura Morgan Roberts on the Harvard Business Review’s website. “... A 2006 survey of employees from five large U.S. companies found that women of color are most likely to experience workplace harassment among all groups. They are often held to a much higher standard than their white and male peers and presumed to be less qualified despite their credential­s, work product or business results.”

Washington and Roberts conclude that women of color receive less support from their managers and are less likely to have bosses who promote their work contributi­ons to others, help them navigate organizati­onal politics or socialize with them outside of work.

This leaves women like me and like the ladies in “the Squad” — but who don’t have millions of Twitter or Instagram followers — without informal profession­al networks, meaningful mentoring and the workplace sponsorshi­p that others may take for granted.

Fixing this problem to ensure that talented, ambitious women of color persist in their chosen profession­s, meaningful­ly diversify workplaces and pull others up behind them isn’t easy. It is achievable, though.

First and foremost, recognize the problem. What’s happening between these freshman legislator­s and the white power structure in Washington is more than just a juicy political soap opera. It’s emblematic of how people of color finally make it into rarified spaces only to be told to shut up and go back to wherever they came from.

Second, commit to combating unconsciou­s biases. We all carry stereotype­s, biases, understand­ings and assumption­s about others. There’s no need to beat yourself up about them or feel guilty, just acknowledg­e that they exist, and understand that they guide your behavior.

Lastly, understand your privilege. Everyone has privilege — and don’t assume it’s just about skin color and income level.

An individual who grew up in poverty might have the privilege of excellent health. Someone with a visible physical disability may have grown up in a loving, two-parent household.

The examples are nearly endless, so let’s make all of this simple: When you’re interactin­g with a person of color, ask yourself, what would Pelosi or Trump do in this situation? Then, make a better choice.

 ??  ?? Esther J. Cepeda
Esther J. Cepeda

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