The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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What am my missing? School boards, townships, municipali­ties, local, state and federal government­s are all bankrupt. Pensions will soon be a thing of the past. Social Security and Medicare are almost dead. Bernie wants free insurance for everyone for everything with no funds to support it and what does the media do? Worry about pampered multimilli­onaire pro athletes uniting to not respect the American flag.

To all these overpaid crybaby NFL players and owners, Jerry Jones being the biggest hypocrite, I will protest by not watching the games and not buying products that say official sponsor of the NFL and NBA. Better Things To Do

Donald Trump disrespect­ed and criticized NFL players for being disrespect­ful to the flag when he showed us how disrespect­ful he was for a Gold Star family whose son gave his life up to save his soldiers, the rest of them. Talk about hypocritic­al. Jay Miller

We have a maniac in the White House and a maniac in North Korea both threatenin­g each other’s country. So whether you’re a liberal crying Democrat or a conservati­ve crying Republican it doesn’t matter. We’re all doomed.

To Frattbak, while you’re reminiscin­g, I guess you forgot how disrespect­ed Obama was by how many countries while he apologized for America’s greatness. Also all the testing and disrespect shown to our military by Iran and Russia. I also remember all the lies he told us and I admit I voted for him too. Lady Di

I was wondering when the town fathers are going to reverse the parking like it used to be, pull in instead of back in? Not every car is equipped with the back-in feature. It’s made a ghost town out of Pottstown. Would you please do something about it?

Hey you football fans, did you see Jerry Jones the owner of the Dallas Cowboys kneeling with his team on Monday night football? Previously said he was going to fire anybody who did that yet that gutless owner is out there doing it with his team. Shows you what a hypocrite these owners are.

I have a problem with all these NFL players disrespect­ing the playing of our national anthem because of a belief they have. But I have a bigger problem with all these respectful people paying to watch these players disrespect our flag and our national anthem. We should start to boycott the NFL. JCS

Hello Mr. President, this is Puerto Rico and the American Virgin Islands calling. Did you forget that we are Americans who have served in our entire military? To date you have yet to address our dire situation down here. We are waiting to hear from you Mr. President. Please say something Mr. President. We are dying. KM

I’m sorry but sitting down or kneeling or locking arms during the national anthem is not protesting. It’s just wanting attention. How many people at home watching sports games or sitting in bars watching sports on TV stand up for the national anthem? Think about that. Stop saying all the lame reasons why you just want attention. Maybe if no one gave you attention you’d grow up.

To Frattbak, the best day of Barack Hussein Obama as president was his last.

Let me just say that I did not vote for Donald Trump. When it comes to this national anthem thing though I’m 100 percent behind him. If you don’t want to stand for the national anthem and stand for the raising of the flag then you get off of that field. As far as I’m concerned they could take all sports and get rid of them. We don’t need them. We need the national anthem and we need the flag a lot more than we need that stuff.

Where’s the aid for Puerto Rico? Technicall­y Puerto Rico may not be a state but they are truly a state as much as Hawaii and Alaska. Where is the aid and a visit from big mouth Trump when Puerto Rico needs it?

I would like to thank Frattbak for the comment about President Obama. There are a lot of us who miss him, his courage, his common speaking, his dignity. Mr. Tweeter, the only thing I can think of is to get lost. We don’t need any more hate. We don’t need any more division in this country. He is a boy. Betty Boop

I am a Lower Pottsgrove resident and we have an ordinance here for any prolonged dog barking which is fine. However what do you do about neighbors who walk their dogs that urinate and defecate on your lawn? There was an instance of a person who did that and we called him out on it and he just laughed and said we are not being good neighbors. Please give me an answer to this. Fed Up With Dogs Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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