The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)

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CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon and all the liberal stations who are refusing to cover the leaking and the unmasking of people in the Trump administra­tion continue to protect the previous president and administra­tion. However what they don’t realize is Evelyn Farkas and Susan Rice have now both come out and admitted what they did with the unmasking. How can it be fake news when the people that actually did it admit it? Stay tuned.

By UN estimates if all nations complied with the Paris climate change accords, cuts in greenhouse emissions would fall by just 1/100th of that needed to keep temperatur­e rise below a theorized two degrees Celsius and a wealth redistribu­tion stipulatio­n would require countries like ours to collective­ly fork over $100 billion annually.

— Mark Furlong

Trump just signed a bill to let your internet provider sell all your private informatio­n — financial, browsing, etc. He’s looking out for you. Isn’t that what he promised?

Oxy Jim

It doesn’t matter that Trump owns Mar-a-Lago. Between security and other costs it’s still a $3.5 million hit to the taxpayers every time he spends a weekend there. As for Trump not taking a salary we would be better off if he did and cut back on his weekend trips. The country would save a lot of money.

This is to the no-name ghost writer who said that Trump saved 10 to 15 corporatio­ns from going abroad. Maybe you should also give him credit for saving the auto industry. It’s all Obama. Pull your big boy pants up and take it like a man.

Jay Miller

Manners and respect begin at home. That means parents of today need to start parenting and quit wanting to be buddies. They need to know what their children are up to so they stay out of trouble. Start cracking down and step up to your responsibi­lity.


If you don’t like the holes on Queen Street, call borough hall like I did.

Jay Miller, since you’re so sure that somebody from President Trump’s administra­tion is going to go to prison for that Russian hacking into the elections, how about what just came out about Susan Rice, your President Obama’s top political adviser? Boy is she in some hot water now. She’s the one behind all these leaks and surveillan­ce. From what I hear Congress and the FBI are going to get involved in the investigat­ion. See if she lies out of this one.


The dictator of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad is a good friend and ally to Russia. Your president has always demanded President Obama stay out of Syria. In other words Trump will find a multitude of reasons to not do anything that would affect his relationsh­ip with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. How about that?

Hawaiian Punch Party

I read in The Mercury that they’re still having a problem with the students at the Pottstown Middle School and I have a very easy solution to that. You divide that middle school into two sections, one for the kids that want to learn and one for the juvenile delinquent­s and you call that one Glen Mills North and you hire guards and get the Pennsylvan­ia National Guard to patrol the streets.

Get Real

If truth and honesty were dynamite Trump wouldn’t have enough to blow his nose. He said he’d clean up the swamp in D.C. and instead he’s turned it into a cesspool.

Bob from Phoenixvil­le

I can’t understand why I’ve never heard of anyone being perfectly whelmed. People are either underwhelm­ed or overwhelme­d. There seems to be no one in the middle.

Jim Fitch

In the past I’ve had my doubts of some of the politician­s in the White House. Now I have my doubts of those in the White House with no political experience.

Senior Citizen

The person who stated in Sound Off that you hope all Republican­s were voted out of office, did you consider what would happen if one party controlled our country? They would have total control to do whatever they wanted and we would have no power to stop them from taking away our rights. Everything would be their way only and they would do away with voting and we would be ruled by a dictator.

I see where Pottstown Borough is decreasing the speed limit on Industrial Highway from 40 mph to 25. It’s really sad because when I come from Moser Road and I have to go down by that sewer plant it really stinks and I’m trying to get around there as fast as I can. Now with the decrease I’m very sad about that. I’ve also heard that the road will be narrowed. So if they narrow the road for a walking path or bike path, how much taxes do the bikers pay?

Sound Off is a forum to spur dialogue from residents of the communitie­s we serve on topics of interest in those communitie­s. Fair game are comments that raise issues of note or amplify ongoing debates. We will not publish comments that are potentiall­y libelous, slanderous, mean-spirited, vulgar or inappropri­ate. Publicatio­ns of Sound Off comments are at the sole discretion of the publisher.

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