The Mercury News

To this impeachmen­t ‘connoisseu­r,’ the Trump proceeding­s are familiar

- By Doyle McManus Los Angeles Times Doyle McManus is a Los Angeles Times columnist. © 2019, Los Angeles Times. Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency.

WASHINGTON » In 1998, when House Republican­s set out to impeach President Bill Clinton for lying about sex, they claimed lofty ambitions.

“This has to be a bipartisan exercise,” Rep. Henry J. Hyde of Illinois, then chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, told me then.

He failed. His committee produced four articles of impeachmen­t, all but one on strict party lines. The full House approved only two: perjury and obstructio­n of justice. The Republican-led Senate acquitted Clinton of both charges; no one in the president’s party voted against him.

History repeated itself last week in mirror image. This time the president was Donald Trump, and the committee chairman was Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat. Just as in Clinton’s day, members of the majority party pleaded with the president’s supporters to wrestle with their conscience­s.

But no Republican broke ranks. No conscience­s were wrestled — not visibly, anyway. Just as with Clinton, Congress is heading for impeachmen­t on a near partyline vote.

Back then, the House included mavericks, fiercely independen­t members who sometimes ignored the wishes of party leaders. In the full House vote in 1998, five Democrats registered their distress at Clinton’s conduct by voting yes for at least one article of impeachmen­t.

With Trump, not one of the 197 House Republican­s is expected to vote in favor of impeachmen­t. A half a dozen Democrats may vote no, but they’ll have permission from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., because they face reelection in Trump-friendly districts.

So while last week’s acrimoniou­s Judiciary Committee hearings sounded as if they were wooing potential defectors, nobody expected any votes to change.

Instead, all of those five-minute diatribes were aimed at the public, which is split: Democrats favor impeachmen­t, Republican­s oppose, independen­ts are divided.

Ambitious House members got to show off their oratory — from Matt Gaetz, the ferociousl­y loyal Trump defender from Florida, to Eric Swalwell, the East Bay Democrat who briefly ran for president this year.

It wasn’t an even fight. Democrats had most of the facts on their side, even though their prosecutio­n came with a flaw.

They presented a clear case of presidenti­al abuse of power: Trump publicly asked Ukraine and China to investigat­e Joe Biden, a Democratic candidate for president. The president blocked military aid to Ukraine for 12 weeks while he pressed his demand. Those facts are not in dispute.

Here’s the flaw: The Democrats’ case against Trump would be stronger if they had gone to court to enforce subpoenas against administra­tion witnesses, including the acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney.

But those court fights could’ve taken a year or more — and Trump has made clear he wants to run out the clock past the presidenti­al election 11 months from now.

Pelosi and Nadler chose not to wait. They don’t want impeachmen­t to interfere with their 2020 campaign to hold on to the House. They also argued that impeachmen­t is the only way to deter Trump from seeking further foreign help with his reelection campaign.

The Republican­s responded with a barrage of objections — some relevant, some not. They contested every fact, even some based on Trump’s public statements.

They argued that “abuse of power” isn’t grounds for impeachmen­t, although the constituti­onal scholar they called as a witness said it is. They argued that Trump was crusading against corruption in general, but never explained why the only investigat­ions he asked for focused on Biden and other Democrats.

It didn’t hang together. But the GOP is hamstrung by Trump’s insistence that his conduct was “perfect.” That didn’t leave Republican­s room to argue that while he may have gone too far in muscling Ukraine, his misconduct doesn’t merit impeachmen­t.

The only thing likely to change when the full House votes this week is the decibel level. Pro-impeachmen­t demonstrat­ions are planned in Washington and more than 400 other cities to stiffen Democrats’ spines and worry Republican­s.

The Senate trial, expected in January, will be more dramatic. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. will preside; prosecutio­n and defense teams will present evidence, arguing on roughly equal conditions. There may be a fight over Trump’s demand that the Senate call witnesses, including Hunter Biden. A few jurors could flip, including Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, and Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.

Even so, the outcome isn’t in doubt. Removing a president requires a two-thirds majority, which means 20 GOP senators would have to switch sides. That won’t happen.

Besides, the foreman of the jury, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., boasts that he’s collaborat­ing with the president’s lawyers.

That doesn’t make the proceeding­s inconseque­ntial. Trump’s prestige and legacy is on the line. Every Republican defection, if any, will be a blow to his self-regard. And when it’s over, he will have earned impeachmen­t as a permanent stain on his record.

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