The Mercury News

How President Donald Trump is Ukrainiani­zing U.S. politics

- By Bret Stephens Bret Stephens is a New York Times columnist.

Donald Trump ought to be impeached and removed from office. This isn’t what I thought two months ago, when the impeachmen­t inquiry began.

But if the congressio­nal testimonie­s of Marie Yovanovitc­h, Bill Taylor, Gordon Sondland, Alexander Vindman and especially Fiona Hill make anything clear, it’s that the president’s highest crime is that he’s attempting to turn the United States into Ukraine. Congress must decide whether the American people should go along with it.

I’ve followed Ukrainian politics fairly closely since 1999, when I joined the staff of The Wall Street Journal Europe. It has consistent themes that should sound familiar to American ears.

The first theme is the criminaliz­ation of political difference­s. Years before Trump led his followers in “Lock Her Up” chants against Hillary Clinton, then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych did exactly that against his own political rival, Yulia Tymoshenko, who was sentenced to seven years in prison on a variety of Byzantine charges after she had narrowly lost the 2010 election.

She spent three years in prison before her release during the 2014 Maidan Revolution. Key to Yanukovych’s efforts to discredit Tymoshenko was — who else? — Paul Manafort.

A second theme is the use of political office as a shield against criminal prosecutio­n and as a vehicle for personal and familial enrichment. Why have so many of Ukraine’s oligarchs — including Burisma Holdings founder Mykola Zlochevsky — also served as government ministers? Simple: Because, until recently, it shielded them from criminal prosecutio­n thanks to parliament­ary immunity, while also providing them with the means to use government power for their own benefit.

The third theme is what one might call the netherworl­dization of political life, in which conspiracy theories abound, offstage figures yield outsized influence, and channels of formal authority are disconnect­ed from the real centers of power.

The fourth theme is covert Russian interferen­ce, usually facilitate­d by local actors.

Ukraine offers the world’s most extreme example of this. Long before the Kremlin’s “little green men” arrived in Crimea in 2014, Russia and its agents were using every dirty trick at their disposal, from poisoning a future Ukrainian president with dioxin to poisoning the media landscape with disinforma­tion.

Fiona Hill in her testimony Thursday warned members of the House Intelligen­ce Committee that they themselves risked falling victim to “politicall­y driven falsehoods,” regarding a bogus theory about Ukrainian political interferen­ce, “that so clearly advance Russian interests.”

Yet the person who is both the principal consumer and purveyor of those falsehoods is the president, just as he has been a purveyor of so many other conspiracy theories. Even now, this should astound us.

It doesn’t, because we’ve been living in a country undergoing its own dismal process of Ukrainiani­zation: of treating fictions as facts; and propaganda as journalism; and political opponents as criminals; and political offices as business ventures; and personal relatives as diplomatic representa­tives; and legal fixers as shadow Cabinet members; and extortion as foreign policy; and toadyism as patriotism; and fellow citizens as “human scum”; and mortal enemies as long-lost friends — and then acting as if all this is perfectly normal. This is more than a high crime. It’s a clear and present danger to our security, institutio­ns and moral hygiene.

It’s to the enduring shame of the Republican Party that they’ve been willing to debase our political standards to the old Ukrainian level just when Ukrainians are trying to rise to our former level.

The one way to stop this is to make every effort to remove Trump from office. It shouldn’t have to wait a year.

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