The Mercury News

PROMOTING EMPLOYEES See Page 6 Promoting employee happiness benefits everyone


For most organizati­ons, one of the most tracked and discussed statistics is their customer satisfacti­on rate. Poor customer satisfacti­on, regardless of the cause, can have devastatin­g consequenc­es on a company’s ability to grow and profit — especially with the ubiquitous availabili­ty of online ratings systems and social media platforms that give an elevated voice to users and consumers who wish to express dissatisfa­ction. Companies often devote considerab­le time to increasing customer satisfacti­on rates, from improving product quality to implementi­ng customer-driven features to refining customer service interactio­ns.

One company with a long track record of high customer satisfacti­on is Sage Intacct, a leader in cloud financial management software. Over 11,000 customers use Sage Intacct’s cloudbased accounting software products to automate complex processes and surface rich financial and operationa­l insights.

In the Fall 2017 G2 Crowd Accounting Software Grid report, which is designed to help businesses make the best accounting technology buying decisions, Sage Intacct was placed in the Leaders quadrant and achieved the top customer satisfacti­on score. These results, which are based solely on customer feedback, independen­tly validate the value that Sage Intacct delivers to its customers.

One of the key reasons for Sage Intacct’s success is that its management team learned early in its history that a high rate of employee satisfacti­on led to higher overall customer satisfacti­on.

“Sage Intacct has been built on the tenet that our organizati­on’s success is tied to the developmen­t and satisfacti­on of our employees. Ensuring that each Sage Intacct employee has the tools and resources they need to succeed, and receives recognitio­n for these achievemen­ts, is one of our top priorities,” said Rob Reid, EVP and managing director of Sage Intacct. “We know if we have employees empowered to achieve success, it will support our overarchin­g goal of superb customer satisfacti­on.”

This mantra has made Reid quite popular with his employees. The company recently announced that Reid won a Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award honoring the Top CEOs in 2018. (Reid was CEO of Intacct prior to its acquisitio­n by Sage last year.) Among the 770,000 companies reviewed on Glassdoor, the average CEO approval rating is 69 percent. Comparativ­ely, Reid’s approval rating is among the highest at 98 percent.

At Sage Intacct, the focus on employee satisfacti­on is built into all aspects of the company and goes well beyond the standard perks found at many Silicon Valley companies. Ongoing training and career developmen­t opportunit­ies ensure that employees can achieve their profession­al goals; a focus on wellness and a healthy work/life balance prevents stress and burnout and leads to employees who are happier, more focused, and more productive in both their personal and profession­al lives; and a commitment to hiring the right people fosters a collaborat­ive environmen­t where employees feel

valued and stay engaged.

Sage Intacct has consistent­ly been recognized for its outstandin­g work environmen­t. The company was recently included in the Bay Area News Group’s Top Workplaces in the Bay Area for 2018 list, marking the eighth consecutiv­e year that Sage Intacct has garnered this award. Earlier this year, Fortune magazine and consulting firm Great Places to Work named Sage Intacct as one of the 2018 Best Workplaces in the Bay Area for the third consecutiv­e year.

Last year, Sage Intacct was recognized as one of the 2017 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For in the Nation by the National Associatio­n for Business Resources. The Silicon Valley Business Journal and San Francisco Business Times also included the company on their 2017 Best Places to Work in the Bay Area list.

Further evidence of Sage Intacct’s award-winning culture is its high employee retention rate, a notable achievemen­t in the competitiv­e Silicon Valley job market.

For this growing company, putting the conscious effort into creating happy employees has definitely contribute­d to its goal of having happy customers.

 ??  ?? Employees volunteeri­ng with the City of Santa Clara Parks & Recreation department!
Employees volunteeri­ng with the City of Santa Clara Parks & Recreation department!
 ??  ?? Volunteeri­ng at Second Harvest Food Bank!
Volunteeri­ng at Second Harvest Food Bank!
 ??  ?? The Sage Intacct softball team!
The Sage Intacct softball team!
 ??  ?? The 2018 Sage Intacct Summer Picnic at Great America!
The 2018 Sage Intacct Summer Picnic at Great America!
 ??  ?? The 2017 Sage Intacct Holiday Party at Mountain Winery!
The 2017 Sage Intacct Holiday Party at Mountain Winery!

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