The Mercury News

Trump accuses Comey of lying

President slams ex-FBI chief, says he’d be open to testifying in Russia probe

- By Philip Rucker and David Nakamura Washington Post

WASHINGTON — A defiant President Donald Trump on Friday accused former FBI director James Comey of committing perjury in his blockbuste­r Senate testimony and said he was willing to share his version of events under oath with the special counsel overseeing theexpandi­ng Russia investigat­ion.

During a combative news conference in the Rose Garden of the White House, the president said Comey’s testimony was politicall­y motivated, contained falsehoods and failed to establish that Trump had colluded with Russians to win last year’s election or had obstructed justice in seeking to end the federal government’s probe.

“No collusion. No obstructio­n. He’s a leaker,” Trump said

of Comey, adding: “We were very, very happy and, frankly, James Comey confirmed a lot of what I said. And some of the things that he said just weren’t true.”

Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee painted a damning portrait of Trump’s character, and the president waited until Friday morning to break his silence — first in a 6:10 a.m. tweet declaring “total and complete vindicatio­n” and then in more detail at the afternoon news conference.

Comey — who testified that he had taken contempora­neous notes of all his conversati­ons with Trump — said he believed the president had fired him because of the Russia probe, told “lies” about Comey’s record at the bureau and sought to redirect the probe away from former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Trump and his aides and allies followed a twopronged rebuttal strategy: They hung onto snippets of Comey’s testimony as categorica­l evidence of Trump’s innocence while using other elements to try to impugn the former FBI director’s credibilit­y.

The president, who followed the advice of his lawyers to refrain from commenting Thursday, was characteri­stically pugnacious in his presentati­on Friday and opted mostly to deliver broadsides rather than address the details of Comey’s testimony.

Jonathan Karl of ABC News drilled down on a couple of key facts, however, beginning with Comey’s statement that Trump had told him that he hoped he would let the Flynn investigat­ion go. Trump replied three times, “I didn’t say that.”

Regarding Comey’s assertion that Trump had asked him during a oneon-one dinner in the White House to pledge his loyalty, the president said, “I hardly know the man. I’m not going to say, ‘I want you to pledge allegiance.’ Who would do that?”

Karl pointed out to Trump that Comey had made these statements under oath and asked the president — who has a long and well-documented history of telling falsehoods — whether he would be willing to provide his version of events under oath.

“One hundred percent,” Trump said.

Karl also asked if he was willing to speak about the issue with Robert Mueller III, the former FBI director who is now leading the Russia investigat­ion as special counsel. Trump said he would.

“I would be glad to tell him exactly what I just told you,” Trump said.

Just as his personal lawyer and surrogates had on Thursday, Trump branded Comey a “leaker” on Friday for revealing in his testimony that he had asked a friend to pass along personal notes of Comey’s conversati­ons with Trump to a reporter, with the aim of prompting the appointmen­t of a special counsel. The Justice Department later appointed Mueller as special counsel.

The term leaker is typically used to refer to a government employee who gives classified documents or state secrets to the news media.

The case is different with Comey, a former government employee sharing personal notes and recollecti­ons that are not classified.

Still, Marc Kasowitz, Trump’s personal lawyer, was preparing to file a complaint early next week over Comey’s testimony to the Justice Department’s Inspector General’s Office and the Senate Judiciary Committee, according to a person close to the legal team.

Despite Trump’s declaratio­n of “no obstructio­n,” Democrats on Capitol Hill raised the prospect that he may have obstructed justice, based on Comey’s testimony, and called for additional investigat­ions.

Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., a senior member of both the Intelligen­ce and Judiciary committees, said in a statement, “I see firsthand the distinctio­n between the legal and counterint­elligence aspects presented by Director Comey’s testimony this week. It is my strong recommenda­tion that the Judiciary Committee investigat­e all issues that raise a question of obstructio­n of justice.”

Trump held his news conference alongside the visiting president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, who lavished praise on his American host.

The visit came after Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, who is helping run the family’s real estate companies while his father is in office, reportedly traveled to Romania in mid-May for a hunting and sightseein­g trip.

A Trump Organizati­on spokeswoma­n did not respond to a request for comment about Trump Jr.’s travels to Romania.

U.S. intelligen­ce agencies have concluded definitive­ly that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidenti­al election to try to influence its outcome in Trump’s favor. But in his Rose Garden remarks, the president repeated his claim that the probe into possible collusion between his campaign and Russia is merely a creation of his political opponents.

“That was an excuse by the Democrats who lost an election that some people think they shouldn’t have lost, because it’s almost impossible for the Democrats to lose the Electoral College, as you know,” Trump said.

“You have to run up the whole East Coast and you have to win everything as a Republican, and that’s just what we did.”

In fact, Trump lost most of the states on the Eastern seaboard (he carried only Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas and a portion of Maine). He won his electoral college majority by carrying a number of hotly-contested states in the industrial Midwest, including Michigan, Pennsylvan­ia, Ohio and Wisconsin.

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