The Mercury News

Keep landscape and home safe from rain damage

- — Joan Morris, Staff

Rain, rain and more rain. Well, you know what they say. If you can’t beat them, join them. This week, it’s time to deal with all that water being dumped on our gardens.

Check that your gutters are still flowing, and clean them during breaks in the storm. High winds and falling leaves can quickly clog up the works.

Don’t forget to check the drain points, catch basins and other places where the water flows off your roof and landscape. Are they all doing what they should? You want that rainwater to drain away from house — preferably into catch basins or water barrels — to prevent damage to your foundation. You may need to add a downspout extension to get the water moving further away.

Stay off of lawns and garden beds. Walking on the water-soaked ground will compact the soil and when the rains eventually stop — yes, they will eventually stop — the ground will be hard and difficult to work. It also can cause damage to existing plants. Although plant roots are undergroun­d, they still require air, and compacted soil has very little air space in it. Seedlings also need fluffy soil in order to extend their new, fragile roots.

Along with the rains, we’ve also had high winds that have broken limbs and damaged some plants. If pruning is needed for safety reasons, proceed with caution. Birds and squirrels are nesting in trees and shrubs. Aggressive pruning can damage their nests, eggs or newborns.

In most cases, it is now OK to prune away damage from frost.

While waiting for the weather to cooperate, start spring vegetables and annuals indoors for planting once the soil temperatur­e warms up.

 ?? KARA GRUBIS/THINKSTOCK ?? Keep rainwater flowing through your gutters and away from your house to prevent damage to your foundation.
KARA GRUBIS/THINKSTOCK Keep rainwater flowing through your gutters and away from your house to prevent damage to your foundation.

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