The Mercury News



Generally speaking, rats are nocturnal, coming out at dusk and doing their rodent business. However, they do sometimes venture out in the day.

Rats have learned to live close to humans, so they adapt their natural instincts to suit their needs. They basically are active at times when there is less danger, which is after dark. If they discover, however, routes that are safe to traverse in the daylight, they’ll take advantage of them. In fact, sometimes conditions are better for them during the daytime. Nightclubs, for example, have discovered their rodent problems are greater during the day because there’s too much human activity in the clubs at night.

Bird block netting is pretty good at keeping birds and humans out of the garden — I always end up tangled in it — but is ineffectiv­e against rats. They may look bulky, but if they can fit their sleek, narrow heads through an opening, they can squeeze their bodies in, too. The flexible netting is no problem for them.

My apologies to those who oppose killing any animal, but good old-fashioned rat traps are still the best option, and the bait is key.

The problem with peanut butter and cheese is that a clever rat knows how to get the goods without tripping the trap. Instead, take half of a shelled walnut and tie it onto the bait tray with some unflavored dental floss. This way the rat will have to tug at the walnut to get it, causing the trap to snap.

When using traps outdoors, cover them with an overturned box that has a small entrance hole cut into it; put a weight on top to keep it in place. This will protect other creatures from accidental trapping.

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