The Mercury News

Bosnian on quest for victims

- By Aida Cerkez Associated Press

SREBRENICA, BosniaHerz­egovina — Day after day, Ramiz Nukic goes into the woods around Srebrenica in search of a tragic quarry: human bones.

There’s rarely a day in which he does not find the remains of at least one murdered boy or man, even 20 years after Europe’s worst massacre since World War II. Srebrenica’s killing fields swallowed 8,000 bodies, and the murderers took pains to hide evidence of the genocide.

Nukic’s quest started in 1999 after he returned to his empty hometown of Kamenice and began looking for the remains of his murdered father and younger brother. As the family’s only male massacre survivor, he became obsessed with bringing closure to their loss. Every day he discovered bones that gave other families the gift of mourning, but not his own. Every day he kept trying, and quietly he built an astonishin­g record: His discoverie­s have allowed Bosnia’s Institute for Missing Persons to identify nearly 300 Srebrenica victims.

But his father and brother eluded him.

Srebrenica was a Muslim town besieged by Serb forces in Bosnia’s 1992- 95 ethnic war, in which Serbs tried to wrest away territory from Bosnian Muslims and Croats to form their own state. Serb troops led by Gen. Ratko Mladic — on trial in The Hague on genocide charges — overran the enclave in July 1995 and 15,000 Srebrenica men fled into the mountains.

The rest of the population, about 25,000 people, sought protection from Dutch U. N. peacekeepe­rs stationed at Potocari. But the outnumbere­d Blue Helmets could only watch as Serb troops occupied their base. They slaughtere­d some 2,000 men and boys straightaw­ay on July 11, 1995.

 ?? AMEL EMRIC/ ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Bosnian Ramiz Nukic searches for human remains Thursday in the woods near Srebrenica.
AMEL EMRIC/ ASSOCIATED PRESS Bosnian Ramiz Nukic searches for human remains Thursday in the woods near Srebrenica.

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