The Mercury News

More GMO foods headed to shelves

- By Mary Clare Jalonick

WASHINGTON — With recent government approval of potatoes that don’t bruise and apples that don’t brown, a new generation of geneticall­y modified foods is headed to grocery shelves.

What could be next? Cancer- fighting pink pineapples, heart- healthy purple tomatoes and less fatty vegetable oils, among other products, could receive government approval in the coming years.

The companies and scientists that have created these foods are hoping that customers will be attracted to the health benefits and convenienc­e and overlook any concerns about genetic engineerin­g.

“I think once people see more of the benefits they will become more accepting of the technology,” says Michael Firko, who oversees the Agricultur­e Department’s regulation of geneticall­y modified organisms, or GMOs.

Critics aren’t so sure. They say there should be more thorough regulation of modified foods, which are grown from seeds engineered in labs. The Agricultur­e Department has the authority only to oversee plant health relative to GMOs, and seeking Food and Drug Administra­tion’s safety approval is generally voluntary.

“Many of these things can be done through traditiona­l breeding,” says Doug Gurian- Sherman of the advocacy group Center for Food Safety. “There needs to be skepticism.”

Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. has engineered a pink pineapple that includes lycopene, an antioxidan­t compound that gives tomatoes their red color and may have a role in preventing cancer. USDA has approved importatio­n of the pineapple, which would be grown only outside of the United States; it is pending FDA approval. Some gardeners already grow convention­al purple tomatoes, but a small British company is planning to apply for U. S. permission to produce and sell a new geneticall­y modified variety that have high levels of anthocyani­ns, compounds found in blueberrie­s that some studies show lower the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease and cancer. FDA would have to approve any health claims used to sell the products.

Seed giants Monsanto and Dow AgroScienc­es are separately developing modified soybean, canola and sunflower oils with fewer saturated fats and more Omega- 3 fatty acids. The Florida citrus company Southern Gardens is using a spinach gene to develop geneticall­y engineered orange trees that could potentiall­y resist citrus greening disease, which is devastatin­g the Florida orange crop. Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc., the company that created the nonbrownin­g apples, is also looking at geneticall­y engineerin­g peaches, cherries and pears to resist disease and improve quality.

A few geneticall­y engineered fruits and vegetables are already available in grocery stores: Hawaiian papaya, some zucchini and squash and a small amount of the sweet corn we eat, for example. But the bulk of the nation’s geneticall­y engineered crops are corn and soybeans that are eaten by livestock or made into popular processed food ingredient­s like corn starch, soybean oil or high fructose corn syrup.

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