The Macomb Daily

‘Little Fires Everywhere’ author Celeste Ng talks Hulu adaptation

- By Mark Meszoros MediaNews Group @MarkMeszor­os on Twitter MACOMBDAIL­Y.COM.

It begins with a house engulfed in flames.

It is the large, lovely Shaker Heights home of Elena Richardson (Reese Witherspoo­n,) who stares at the blaze and seems to … smirk?

Moments later in the premiere episode of Hulu’s “Little Fires Everywhere” — the high-profile adaptation of author Celeste Ng’s bestsellin­g 2017 novel, which is set in the late 1990s — we’ve jumped to when the fire has been extinguish­ed. Authoritie­s on the scene tell Elena the fire was purposeful­ly set — that’s clear because inside there were “little fires everywhere.”

Hulu launched “Little Fires Everywhere” in mid-March by releasing the first three of eight episodes, new episodes debuting on Wednesdays via the Disneyowne­d streaming platform.

Ng’s tale is far more complex than those initial moments may suggest. Elena initially befriends and later becoming adversarie­s to a transient artist named Mia (Kerry Washington) whom she rents property to and initially hires to work in her home, and the two women’s children become intertwine­d socially.

Always a bit uneasy, the dynamic between Elena and Mia changes drasticall­y when Mia attempts to help a Chinese-American woman reclaim the baby girl she’d previously abandoned, an infant since adopted by friends of the Richardson­s desperate for a child.

By the end of next week’s fifth episode, there are figurative fires everywhere, of varying sizes.

Born in Pittsburgh from parents who came to the United States from Hong Kong, Ng moved to Shaker Heights at age 10 when her physicist father took a job at what is now NASA’s John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field in Cleveland. She graduated from Shaker Heights High School in 1998.

“When my parents were deciding which part of Cleveland to move to,” she says, “they chose

Online: For the full interview with Celeste Ng visit

Shaker specifical­ly because it was known for having really good schools — and that was really, really important to them — and second because it was known for being pretty racially diverse, at least in terms of black and white, and they thought that was really important, as well.”

During a recent phone interview from her home in Cambridge, Massachuse­tts, Ng — after asking how Ohio was holding up amid the growing threat of the novel coronaviru­s — spoke about growing up in Shaker Heights, her writing career and being involved in an adaptation of her work for the first time and the show itself, set mainly in Northeast Ohio but filmed in Los Angeles.

I’m sure some of these answers can be found in “Little Fires Everywhere,” be it the book or the show, but what do you think about Shaker Heights when you reflect on those years — and about Northeast Ohio in general?

I realize more and more how I was shaped by being in Shaker and, generally speaking, in really positive ways. It was a place that told me education was important. I feel like I’m so lucky to have gotten an education at Shaker schools. I got to take creative writing and theater (classes) that ... now those are very scarce.

There’s the fact that we did talk about race. I was part of a student group on race relations, and I didn’t realize that it wasn’t common for high schools to have racerelati­ons groups and to talk about those things openly.

And it was just a wonderful place to grow up. It was a place where, I feel like, I was raised to think, “You can make the world better, so look for ways to try to do that and go out and try to be your best self and try to make the world better. And I think that’s what a lot of people who went to Shaker Heights felt. I realized how deeply that affected me.

I also realize now that I was living in a fairly idyllic bubble (and) that many other places were not, at all, talking about race or thinking about any of these things. And I also realized that Shaker still had all the problems that anywhere else in the world had. We’re talking about race, but we still have to deal with racism and classism and discrimina­tion. We’re trying to be better, but we’re not perfect — nobody is.

Your first novel, “Everything I Never Told You,” is set in a fictional Ohio town. Why did you set “Little Fires Everywhere” in Shaker?

The first novel, I felt like I needed to make up an isolated town for that family; I needed them to feel like they were really alone. And I didn’t know a place specifical­ly like that, so I made one up — and that was easy. For this second novel, I knew that I wanted to write about Shaker Heights specifical­ly because I was at an age — I’d been away from home for about 10 years — where I was really thinking back on my experience there and trying to process it and going like, “Well, that was weird in some ways but also really great in some ways and how do I make sense of it?”

The impulse for writing the novel came, really, from thinking back on growing up in Shaker Heights and what that had meant.

And the more I started to write the book, I didn’t feel like I could make a fictionali­zed Shaker because it would just seem too coy. It seemed like I might as well set it in the real place and try to be as accurate to my own experience as (possible).

And it’s such an interestin­g place. The more I learned about its history and the history of the Shakers, who were there before the city was founded, the more I was like, “This is too good — I couldn’t make this up. I have to just put it in the book.”

What kind of response have you gotten from people in Shaker, be they people you knew or people who have reached out?

Generally, really positive. I’ve been hearing it, because I went on a book tour when the book first came out. Shaker Heights was supposed to be one of the first events, and there was a scheduling change and Shaker Heights ended up being reschedule­d to being one of the last events. And at every other event people would say, “So what do people in Shaker Heights think?” And I (became) really nervous because they kept asking that every night, and I was like, “Oh, no — are people going to not like the book?” Because it’s weird to have a book written about your hometown, right? It’s weird to have a book written that feels close to home.

But one nice thing was that — and I think it was at every single book event, even when I went over to Europe and I did book events — there was always at least one person from Shaker Heights or who had a really close connection. Their grandparen­ts lived there, their parents grew up there, whatever — they always self-identify — and then they would always say, “You kinda got it right,” which I took to be a really big compliment, actually. I felt it was a compliment because it meant they saw the town in the way I had seen it and they felt like I had accurately captured something about the town.

And the response from the town itself has been, actually, really warm. The people at the high school were amazing — they had let me come in to do some research and just walk around the school. The city seems really proud, and I’m really grateful that they see it as what I meant, which is a loving portrait. It’s like writing a descriptio­n of a relative: You want people to see all the things about them that you love and that you think are wonderful, and you maybe also want to acknowledg­e the weird things they do, but overall you want them to feel like they are loved and I think most people in Shaker have taken the book in that way.

How would you compare the process of writing your second novel to the first?

I only have one kid, but I understand the process of having a second kid is almost completely different from the process of having your first kid, and that’s what it was like for me. The first novel — it’s a smaller, shorter, more intimate book — it took me a very long time; I didn’t know what I was doing. The second book, I still didn’t feel like I totally knew what I was doing, but the process of it was very different. I knew this world, and so the world came out right away, and a lot of it was just figuring out how to weave all the threads of the story together.

 ?? PHOTO BY ERIN SIMKIN/HULU ?? “Little Fires Everywhere” stars Kerry Washington (left) and Reese Witherspoo­n flank writer Celeste Ng. The show is streaming on Hulu.
PHOTO BY ERIN SIMKIN/HULU “Little Fires Everywhere” stars Kerry Washington (left) and Reese Witherspoo­n flank writer Celeste Ng. The show is streaming on Hulu.

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