The Hollywood Reporter (Weekly)

A Housefly in Space, a 20-Year Friendship and a $50M Check

Lauren Sánchez and her fiancé, Jeff Bezos, have been giving away eight-figure charitable grants for several years now, but this time it’s personal. THR listens in as Courage and Civility recipient (and longtime pal) Eva Longoria interviews her friend and


Close friends for two decades, Eva Longoria and Lauren Sánchez have engaged in countless phone conversati­ons over the years — but this, as far as we know, is the first to be recorded. Longoria is one of this year’s recipients of the Courage and Civility Awards, a massive charitable grant that Sánchez and her fiancé, Amazon executive chairman Jeff Bezos, have been giving to philanthro­pic activists for the past three years (previous awardees include Dolly Parton, José Andrés and Van Jones). The former Desperate Housewives star now has just 10 years to find a worthy charitable cause on which to spend that money, but fortunatel­y there’s one with her name written all over it: the Eva Longoria Foundation, a nonprofit, founded in 2012, providing Latino women and girls with educationa­l programs, scholarshi­ps, mentorship­s, microloans and other support.

THR eavesdropp­ed on a recent chat between the Land of Women actress and Sánchez, a helicopter pilot, aviation entreprene­ur and former reporter as well as billionair­e’s significan­t other, both formidable forces in the world of philanthro­py. While Longoria runs her own nonprofit, Sánchez is vice chair of the Bezos Earth Fund, which has pledged to disburse $10 billion by 2030, among other charitable giving by the power couple. Among the topics discussed: the fate of the planet, a book about a housefly in outer space and the dispositio­n of a certain check for $50 million.

EVA LONGORIA I’ve known you for 20 years, so I feel like I know the answers to all these questions …

LAUREN SÁNCHEZ I would much rather be asking the questions. It’s the reporter in me.

LONGORIA I’m the journalist today. We are switching roles. So, when did your passion for giving back start?

SÁNCHEZ Extremely early. My nana would volunteer at a local hospital, and the night before we would make banana bread, which we would pass out to the nurses and doctors who’d been working these long shifts. That experience really planted a seed for me. Now, I load up my kids, and we

go across the border for This Is About Humanity [an organizati­on dedicated to supporting separated families at the U.S.-Mexico border]. I get super emotional when I talk about it because these kids have nothing. They’re living in tents. And my kids and I, we brought supplies, we bought makeup, we brought backpacks. My kids went back on their own afterward. So, it’s a cycle. It’s a good cycle.

LONGORIA What’s your approach to philanthro­py? Because I remember, when I came into fame 20 years ago, I was getting a hundred invitation­s a week: Fight AIDS in Africa, save the dolphins, fight sex traffickin­g in Thailand. And I’m like, “Oh my God, yes, we’ve

got to feed the dolphins and we’ve got to save the children!” But you can’t do everything. How do you decide what to focus on?

SÁNCHEZ Jeff is extremely focused, as you can imagine. We really look for organizati­ons that are not only addressing urgent issues but also have a clear, impactful plan for making a difference. That’s important. We’re prioritizi­ng areas where we can help drive a systematic change — it’s about making these thoughtful, informed decisions to ensure that the contributi­ons will have the greatest impact.

LONGORIA One of the things you guys do that gets the most attention is the Bezos Earth Fund. Obviously, it’s much needed. But can you elaborate on the specific areas you focus on?

SÁNCHEZ We are focusing on several key issues, like restoring and protecting nature, advancing climate justice and supporting innovative climate solutions. Those are going to take time.

Jeff always says, “We have to invent our way out of this.” And so, investing in these solutions, some may work, and some won’t. But that’s how we’re going to get out of this, by funding scientific research to develop new technologi­es like sustainabl­e aviation fuels, or what’s called green cement. These technologi­es are extremely important. We’ve put a lot of money behind sustainabl­e protein. And the meat that they’re making now tastes so good. I know that’s hard to believe, but I’ve tasted it. And that’s going to, I think, make a big impact.

LONGORIA Do you feel like you guys are making a dent in these environmen­tal causes, because it can feel like you’re throwing a rock in the ocean, right?

SÁNCHEZ I don’t know if you know this, but I have a book coming out. It’s called The Fly That Flew. It’s about this little rambunctio­us fly who doesn’t do very well in school but is extremely curious. And all she wants to be is an astronaut. That’s it. That’s all she’s focused on. And she accidental­ly gets stuck in a rocket capsule and goes up, and she sees the Earth. And she realizes how precious and beautiful it is. When she gets back down, her perspectiv­e is changed. She now wants to save the planet. So, to me, that’s kind of what my journey has been. I’ve always had this career. But now I’m taking a step back, and being part of the Bezos Earth Fund, I’m like, “Well, wait a second, what’s important is saving this planet.”

LONGORIA You and I constantly have these conversati­ons that inspire each other. Instead of sending each other memes, we send [reports] about the Latin community not being represente­d in TV and movies and the media …

SÁNCHEZ I know, we send each other white papers. I’ll send you

a study, and you’ll text back, “I already read it.” You and I both have this huge commitment to empowering underrepre­sented communitie­s, especially Latinas.

“That’s how we’re going to get out of this, by funding scientific research to develop new technologi­es like sustainabl­e fuels and protein.” LAUREN SÁNCHEZ

LONGORIA You and I are so proudly Latina. But we’re also proudly American. And we are super assimilate­d. But we grew up with this hyphen, living in two worlds. And I think many people relate to that, especially Latinos in the United States.

SÁNCHEZ Your words at the Elle Women in Hollywood Event last year about lifting other women up — I wrote down what you said so I would get it right. You said, “You know who hires women? Other women.” Then you said to all the women in positions of power in the room, “Please hire her.” That moment, Eva, that was one of the reasons I knew you would be perfect for the Courage and Civility Award.

LONGORIA I’m so grateful for your friendship and sisterhood, but also, of course, for this grant, because we get to scale up what we’ve been doing for the past 12 years.

SÁNCHEZ I’m so excited to see what you’re going to do with this $50 million.

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 ?? ?? Earth day Top: Eva Longoria (left) and Lauren Sánchez have been friends for 20 years. Above, from left: Bezos Earth Fund’s Drs. Andrew Steer (left) and Cristián Samper flanked Jeff Bezos and Sánchez during a recent trip to the Amazon.
Earth day Top: Eva Longoria (left) and Lauren Sánchez have been friends for 20 years. Above, from left: Bezos Earth Fund’s Drs. Andrew Steer (left) and Cristián Samper flanked Jeff Bezos and Sánchez during a recent trip to the Amazon.
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 ?? ?? Human nature Sánchez connected with a baby in Mexico as part of her This Is About Humanity, an organizati­on that supports separated families at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Human nature Sánchez connected with a baby in Mexico as part of her This Is About Humanity, an organizati­on that supports separated families at the U.S.-Mexico border.

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