The Guardian (USA)

Electric carmaker Fisker files for US bankruptcy protection

- Jasper Jolly

The electric car company Fisker has filed for US bankruptcy protection, making it the latest EV startup to collapse trying to challenge the establishe­d car industry.

The company was started in 2016 by the husband-and-wife team Henrik Fisker and Geeta Gupta-Fisker. It is the second attempt by Fisker, a former Aston Martin design chief, to establish an EV challenger that has ended in bankruptcy.

Alongside focusing on green manufactur­ing methods, Fisker also used an unusual “asset-light” production model. This relied on contract manufactur­ers to assemble its cars, avoiding the huge investment­s required to build factories.

The company blamed supplier delays for missed production targets and struggled to hit ambitious sales forecasts after complaints of mechanical issues with the few thousand cars it sold.

Fisker had said it was in negotiatio­ns with an unnamed large automaker over a possible investment in the company, joint developmen­t of the technology underlying electric cars, and manufactur­ing in North America. However, those talks came to nothing, and it was forced to halt manufactur­ing its Ocean SUV in March.

The prospect of a switch from petrol and diesel to electric cars – alongside Elon Musk’s success with Tesla – has prompted a host of entreprene­urs to challenge incumbents. However, many of them have failed after spending billions in investor cash that had been raised in a bubble during the coronaviru­s turmoil.

EV startups have faced a number of headwinds. Rising interest rates have made it much harder for loss-making companies to find funding, and has weighed on demand for electric cars that remain more expensive than petrol or diesel equivalent­s, even if total running costs are lower on average.

Increasing competitio­n in the electric vehicle space – particular­ly from China – has also put pressure on manufactur­ers to cut prices, making profitabil­ity harder.

US failures include Lordstown Motors, which was once feted by Donald Trump as the saviour of the Ohio town from which it took its name, and Proterra, a bus and battery company. Both collapsed in 2023.

Proterra’s collapse took down one of its British customers, Volta Trucks, which has since tried to restart with new funding. Another British electric vehicle champion, Arrival – which was valued at $15bn after a splashy New York listing in 2021 – collapsed in February.

Although BYD is Tesla’s biggest electric car rival, Chinese manufactur­ers have not been immune to challenges in the market. WM Motor filed for bankruptcy in October, while Nio had to be bailed out by local government.

Fisker blamed wider economic conditions for its woes. It said in a statement: “Like other companies in the electric vehicle industry, we have faced various market and macroecono­mic headwinds that have impacted our ability to operate efficientl­y. After evaluating all options for our business, we determined that proceeding with a sale of our assets under Chapter 11 is the most viable path forward for the company.”

The US Chapter 11 process applies to the company’s operating subsidiary, giving it protection from creditors while it tries to negotiate further.

 ?? Photograph: Mike Blake/Reuters ?? Henrik Fisker, seen here unveiling the Ocean SUV at the Los Angeles auto show in November 2021, founded the company with his wife, Geeta Gupta-Fisker, in 2016. Production of the Ocean was halted in March.
Photograph: Mike Blake/Reuters Henrik Fisker, seen here unveiling the Ocean SUV at the Los Angeles auto show in November 2021, founded the company with his wife, Geeta Gupta-Fisker, in 2016. Production of the Ocean was halted in March.

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