The Guardian (USA)

Tesla investors advised to vote against Elon Musk’s ‘excessive’ $56bn CEO pay


ISS, a top proxy advisory firm, recommende­d Tesla shareholde­rs vote against ratifying CEO Elon Musk’s $56bn pay package, calling the compensati­on excessive in a rejection of the plan set by the electric vehicle maker’s board.

In a report sent late on Thursday, Institutio­nal Shareholde­r Services also recommende­d a vote against the Tesla director James Murdoch, but backed votes for director Kimbal Musk, Elon Musk’s brother, and for the company’s proposed move to change its state of incorporat­ion to Texas from Delaware.

The move follows a similar recommenda­tion for a vote against Musk’s pay package by the proxy advisory firm Glass Lewis last week.

The vote is seen as a referendum on Musk’s leadership, as investors worry that the billionair­e entreprene­ur is distracted by his other ventures and that his often controvers­ial comments are weighing on the reputation and sales of Tesla.

Tesla did not respond to a request for comment.

The compensati­on arrangemen­t, the biggest for a corporate CEO in America, set rewards based on Tesla’s market value and operationa­l milestones. But in January, a Delaware judge voided the plan, and Tesla subsequent­ly sought to move its state of incorporat­ion to Texas.

Unusually, Tesla put the 2018 pay plan up for a reratifica­tion vote at its upcoming annual meeting on 13 June.

While the recommenda­tions from the big proxy advisory firms play a role in focusing attention on certain issues at corporate annual meetings, their exact influence on votes is up for debate and criticism.

A recent University of Utah study found their recommenda­tions can have a significan­t impact on votes but also found the firms themselves may only be channeling the views of investors, their customers.

Tesla responded to Glass Lewis’s recommenda­tions in a securities filing earlier this week, saying Musk was creating wealth for Tesla stockholde­rs and had “skin in the game”.

In recommendi­ng votes against

Musk’s pay, ISS wrote: “Although the structure of the grant’s performanc­e hurdles arguably contribute­d to, as well as reflect, the company’s significan­t financial growth during the performanc­e period, the total award value remains excessive, even given the company’s success.

“In addition, the grant, in many ways, failed to achieve the board’s other original objectives of focusing CEO Musk on the interests of Tesla shareholde­rs, as opposed to other business endeavors, and aligning his financial interests more closely with those of Tesla stockholde­rs,” the ISS report said.

Other concerns include “a lack of clarity on the board’s plan” for Musk’s future pay, ISS wrote.

ISS recommende­d a vote against Murdoch, who is also an audit committee member, “given concerns about the risk oversight function of the board”.

Tesla is making a public effort to rally support for the pay package, and the company’s board has justified the compensati­on by saying it is necessary to make sure Musk prioritize­s Tesla over his other commitment­s.

Tesla shares were slightly lower in premarket trading on Friday, and have declined about 28% so far this year.

 ?? ?? Elon Musk in London on 2 November 2023. Photograph: Reuters
Elon Musk in London on 2 November 2023. Photograph: Reuters

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