The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on India’s election: Narendra Modi’s audacity of hate

- Editorial

“No party or candidate shall include in any activity which may aggravate existing difference­s or create mutual hatred or cause tension between different castes and communitie­s, religious or linguistic.” So reads the rulebook for Indian elections. Has anyone told Narendra Modi? India’s prime minister has resorted to overtly Islamophob­ic language during the two-month campaign, painting India’s 200 million Muslims as an existentia­l threat to the Hindu majority. Laughably, the body charged with conducting free and fair polls did issue a feeble call for restraint from “star campaigner­s”. With the Indian election results out next week, one commentato­r warned Mr Modi has “put a target on Indian Muslims’ backs, redirectin­g the anger of poor and marginalis­ed Hindu communitie­s away from crony capitalist­s and the privileged upper castes”.

Mr Modi’s tirades are meant to distract an electorate suffering from high inflation and a lack of jobs despite rapid economic growth. His Bharatiya Janata party’s political strategy is to emphasise threats to Hindu civilisati­on, and the need for a united Hindu nation against Muslims. However, Mr Modi has fused this Hindu nationalis­m with the idea that he was sent by God. The Congress party’s Rahul Gandhi, his main opponent, suggested that anyone else making such a claim needed to see a psychiatri­st.

Religion, Karl Marx wrote, is the opium of the people. This thought still resonates in places where organised religion remains a powerful force. That is why Donald Trump also claims to be doing God’s work. In India, poor people often see politician­s as gods delivering relief to numb the pain of reality. By claiming to be divine, Mr Modi is making devotees of voters, encouragin­g a belief that it is God’s purpose to target minorities, outlaw dissent and ride roughshod over constituti­onal protection­s. It is depressing to think that Mr Modi will win a third election victory. There is small comfort in believing the BJP probably won’t achieve Mr Modi’s goal of winning nearly threequart­ers of the country’s 543 parliament­ary seats. Foreign investors are pulling out their cash from India’s stock market, citing uncertaint­y about the results.

Ten years ago, Mr Modi promised jobs would be his top priority. Yet unemployme­nt has barely budged despite India being the world’s fastest growing major economy. Four-fifths of its unemployed are young people. More working-age women are employed as a percentage of the workforce in Nepal and Bangladesh than in India. The fruits of growth are landing in the lap of India’s rich, drawn almost exclusivel­y from country’s the upper castes who back the BJP. Unsurprisi­ngly, under Mr Modi Indian inequality reached its highest ever recorded level.

Shrinking such gaps is not just a moral imperative but a necessary condition for economic growth. Human developmen­t is an outcome of social cooperatio­n, which is made harder in a stratified society where divisions are encouraged. A report for Thomas Piketty’s World Inequality Lab suggested an annual wealth tax and an inheritanc­e tax on the 370,000 Indians earning €1.2m a year, who currently hold over a quarter of the country’s total wealth. This, the authors say, should be used to double the current public spending on education, which has stagnated at 2.9% of GDP over the past 15 years. Reducing inequality has been a feature, to his credit, of Mr Gandhi’s campaign. The trouble for India is that Mr Modi has a knack for turning anger and fear into political power.

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 ?? ?? ‘By claiming to be divine, Mr Modi is making devotees of voters, encouragin­g a belief that it is God’s purpose to target minorities.’ Photograph: NurPhoto/Rex/Shuttersto­ck
‘By claiming to be divine, Mr Modi is making devotees of voters, encouragin­g a belief that it is God’s purpose to target minorities.’ Photograph: NurPhoto/Rex/Shuttersto­ck

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