The Guardian (USA)

This economic chaos is a form of class war on the British public

- Daniela Gabor

The Truss government is waging an uncoordina­ted class war. The Truss tax cuts, the largest in 50 years, were designed to redistribu­te wealth from the poor to the rich.

Although the government has since scrapped its proposal to cut the 45% top rate of income tax paid by those earning more than £150,000, all other details of its “mini-budget” remain: there has been no increase in corporatio­n tax, the cap on bankers’ bonuses has been axed and the government has launched a fresh attack on trade unions. These are ideologica­l measures disguised under the banner of a discredite­d “trickle-down” growth strategy.

The same with the government’s “energy price guarantee”. This does not guarantee that nobody will pay more than £2,500 for their energy bills. Instead, it caps the price of a unit of gas and electricit­y. It subsidises the difference between wholesale prices and retail capped prices, compensati­ng private energy companies for the difference and therefore guaranteei­ng their profits. The guarantee is estimated to cost up to £170bn over two years– an amount that will be covered from the general Treasury budget, rather than additional windfall taxes. Instead of benefiting households, the cap is designed to benefit companies, redistribu­ting funds away from taxpayers and towards energy companies and their shareholde­rs.

Yet the Truss government isn’t the only actor in this fight. The Bank of England has also pursued an assault on workers. In February this year, its governor, Andrew Bailey, made clear whose side the Bank was on when he asked workers to show “restraint” in calling for pay rises. He could have instead asked executives and shareholde­rs to moderate their profit expectatio­ns, or the government to discipline businesses through a combinatio­n of strategic price controls and windfall and wealth taxes. Central bankers in other jurisdicti­ons, such as the European Central Bank’s Philip Lane, have recently accepted that these are the most effective measures to stem soaring costs.

Instead, as the historical squeeze in real wages failed to stop the inflationa­ry pressures exacerbate­d by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Bank doubled down on a calculated bet: to inflict suffering on the British economy with a combinatio­n of lower demand and higher unemployme­nt. At its August 2022 meeting, it committed to hiking interest rate and quantitati­ve tightening (QT), the process by which the central bank shrinks its portfolio of UK government bonds (known as gilts) acquired through quantitati­ve easing (QE). The Bank planned to shrink its QE gilt portfolio by £80bn over the next 12 months, in part by selling about £40bn

of gilts outright. The intention was to quickly push up the interest rate on gilts and other long-term interest rates, such as mortgage rates.

This was panic QT, and the Bank was the only large central bank in the world to adopt it. Actively selling government bonds under such circumstan­ces, when the US Federal Reserve’s QT has been pushing investors out of government bond markets worldwide, is an open invitation for gilt market disruption and financial instabilit­y. Meanwhile, the growing borrowing requiremen­ts of the Truss attack on workers has only exacerbate­d the disruptive potential of the Bank’s panic strategy. As bond volatility threatened to torpedo pension funds (and with them, the entire financial system), the Bank was forced into an embarrassi­ng retreat: it returned to purchasing gilts.

The ripple effects of this uncoordina­ted class war will have long-lasting consequenc­es. It seems likely that the Bank will return to its policy of QT, while Truss and Kwarteng plan to reassure gilt investors with spending cuts. The logic is simple: reduce borrowing requiremen­ts, or the supply of gilts, and soothe market nerves with a predictabl­e return to austerity.

Austerity is precisely what Britain

doesn’t need. It would mean cutting spending just as the climate crisis requires massive state investment in green public infrastruc­ture. It would also target benefit recipients just as the cost-of-living crisis bites harder. Firesales of state assets such as the NHS are easier to push through under extraordin­ary political circumstan­ces, as Naomi Klein has taught us. Austerity for the state and for the poor, and a bonanza for the rentiers: these are distributi­onal politics of the Treasury orthodoxy.

The Conservati­ve party also seems dangerousl­y close to popping the housing bubble it systematic­ally fuelled while in power. The Bank’s panic QT was always going to increase mortgage rates – its purpose is to push long-term interest rates up. The market response to the mini-budget accelerate­d that move because investors expected the Bank to accelerate QT to offset the inflationa­ry pressures of the mini-budget. In response, Kwarteng placed responsibi­lity for soaring mortgage costs squarely with the Bank. Yet both have a hand in that process.

Crashing the housing market may seem like electoral suicide, but is not without its beneficiar­ies. History shows that housing crises benefit corporate landlords and real estate investors. Under the self-inflicted pressure of austerity, the Truss government (or indeed a future Labour government) could rely on such investors to clean up burst housing bubbles, reaping huge profits in the process.

The British public mood is already attuned to the class war that is crashing the economy. From the growing wave of strikes to the Labour party’s eyewaterin­g poll advantage, resistance is growing. But this will not be enough. Our political and economic institutio­ns are designed to amplify the power of financial capital and are therefore riddled with the potential for crises. We must change this too.

Daniela Gabor is professor of economics and macrofinan­ce at UWE Bristol

 ?? ?? ‘Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng plan to reassure gilt investors with spending cuts.’ Photograph: Rory Arnold/No10 Downing Street
‘Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng plan to reassure gilt investors with spending cuts.’ Photograph: Rory Arnold/No10 Downing Street

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