The Guardian (USA)

US patience with Iran not inexhausti­ble, warns Saudi Arabia

- Patrick Wintour and Julian Borger in New York

Saudi Arabia has said that US patience with Iran is not inexhausti­ble and warned that military options are still being considered following the attack on the Aramco oil facilities earlier this month.

The Saudi foreign affairs minister, Adel al-Jubeir, also said the UNcommissi­oned report into the origins of the attack will be available fairly soon, and described the EU’s Monday statement ascribing responsibi­lity to Iran as “very significan­t”.

His remarks suggest Saudi Arabia is still putting private pressure on Donald Trump’s administra­tion not to limit his response to the 14 September attack to further sanctions and the deployment of additional troops to defend the oil facilities.

Jubeir said: “We want to mobilise internatio­nal support, and we want to look at a whole list of options – diplomatic options, economic options and military options – and then make the decision.”

Speaking on the margins of the UN general assembly in New York, he said: “This action will have consequenc­es and Iran must know this.”

He added: “When push comes to shove, there comes a point when even America’s patience runs out – and Iran must be aware of that.”

The attacks temporaril­y knocked out more than 5% of global oil production and caused petroleum prices to rise.

Also at the UN, the French president, Emmanuel Macron, said on Tuesday he was hoping for a breakthrou­gh with Iran over the possibilit­y of reopening talks in the coming hours.

But the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, denied he was willing to drop his demand that US sanctions are lifted before talks can begin.

Macron told the general assembly: “I am not naive at all and I don’t believe in miracles. I believe it takes courage to build peace and that is why it is important for the United States, Iran and the signatorie­s of the agreement to show this courage.”

But Jubeir set out a series of tough conditions for renegotiat­ing the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, including fresh restrictio­ns on its nuclear programme after 2025, a 24/7 inspection regime all over the country and restrictio­ns on its ballistic missile programme.

The demand, he said was “no nukes, no missiles and no terrorism”, adding: “The Europeans were coming round to this being the objective. We believe appeasemen­t does not work with Iran.

“We believe that when Europeans did not take a strong position after the attacks on the pipelines and oilfield in Shaybah [in August], this emboldened and encouraged Iran.”

Although Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels claimed responsibi­lity for the attacks on the Abqaiq and Khurais facilities, Riyadh, Washington and the EU have laid the blame on Iran.

The US said it had expected Monday’s statement by the UK, France and Germany, stating that Iran was behind the attack, because European and US investigat­ors are examining weapons fragments together in Saudi Arabia.

“I really appreciate that our allies

… have come forward and recognised publicly the truth,” the US assistant secretary of state for the near east, David Schenker, told journalist­s.

“This did not come as a major surprise. The Brits and the French are on the ground with us, with the Saudis and the UN part of the investigat­ive team in Saudi Arabia,” Schenker said.

“We have been transparen­t in terms of chain of custody … of all the equipment that we now have from the attack. And we’re exploiting it together.

“Even before we have finished this investigat­ion, the evidence that is emerging is incontrove­rtible.”

The US has been insistent that it would not carry out a retaliator­y strike, but would beef up Saudi defences and increase other forms of pressure on Iran.

Trump on Tuesday called on other nations to join the US in pressuring Iran after the attacks, but said there was still a path to peace.

 ?? Photograph: Amr Nabil/ AP ?? ‘There comes a point when even America’s patience runs out,’ said Adel al-Jubeir, Saudi foreign affairs minister.
Photograph: Amr Nabil/ AP ‘There comes a point when even America’s patience runs out,’ said Adel al-Jubeir, Saudi foreign affairs minister.

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