The Evening Leader

Hints from Heloise



Today’s Sound Off is from a 13-year-old girl in Wyoming.

Dear Ms. Heloise: I am 13 years old and attend school in my hometown in Wyoming. Everyone in our class had to do a report on the outbreak of COVID-19 and its effect on America. I got an A on my report, but in doing research I wondered why people listen to gossip on the internet instead of listening to the people at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or to the scientists who study this terrible disease. I know it’s hard sometimes to tell the difference between what is true and what is not, but it’s always best to listen to common sense and read up on everything you can about this disease. I think you’ll find that wearing a mask isn’t so bad after all. And while I really hate shots, I got vaccinated at the same time my mother was vaccinated because I would never want to bring home a disease that might harm my 8-year-old brother. I love him too much to put him at risk for COVID.

Anyway, this is my view of COVID. I believe we need to look out for one another, and in doing so we’ll come out of this time of stress and fear a much stronger nation. -- Meghan B., Wyoming

Meghan, thank you for your letter. It’s not hard to see why you got an A on your report. -- Heloise

SEND A GREAT HINT TO: Heloise P.O. Box 795001

San Antonio, TX 78279-5001 Fax: 1-210-HELOISE


Here are a few ways to pamper your toes:

-- Never wear shoes that hurt your feet.

-- Keep your feet clean and dry. -- If your feet sweat heavily, cover them with an antiperspi­rant.

-- Don’t wear the same shoes every day.

-- Baking soda sprinkled in your shoes will remove any odors that linger.


Dear Heloise: I am an avid rummage and garage-sale hunter. Would you tell your readers that before they have a garage sale or give something to charity, to go through all the pockets first? Do the same thing for suitcases or backpacks. I have found and returned to the seller keys, money and jewelry. -- Chris L., Sioux City, Iowa


Dear Heloise: What is the best way to clean off mold and fungus from a bronze memorial plaque? -- John G., Laguna Woods, California

John, first wipe away any dirt and debris with a soft cloth. Next, scrub the bronze with a mild dish detergent and water or a cleaning product designed to clean bronze, found in hardware or grocery stores, using a soft-bristled brush. Rinse and dry the plaque. Last of all, apply a thin coat of wax (one without silicone or other harsh chemicals) to the plaque and be sure to buff it afterward. This will help protect the bronze. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: What can I use on my dry, brittle nails? -- Linda W., Silver Springs, Nevada

Linda, apply a heavy coat of petroleum jelly to your nails (and hands) before bedtime, and use cotton gloves to cover your hands. -- Heloise

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