The Denver Post

Where is that diversity now?

- Re: Forrest Monroe, Russell Ross,

“Tuesday was not so super, but Dems must unite,” March 8 commentary

Ian Silverii prefers idealism over realism. For the sake of sanity, his column asks “women, people of color, immigrants, young people and queer folks” to toss aside what doesn’t matter (President Donald Trump) for what does (former Vice President Joe Biden). His illusion is that unity exists within his party’s diverse, conflicted collective. The Democratic Party establishm­ent, on the other hand, has made it clear they prefer old, white, straight men over variety.

The reality is both Silverii and his party have driven a vast voting bloc beyond reach. It was not Trump who created this cleavage.

For our president, the path to unity is more realistic if Americans continue to put their country first.

Worst president in American history? Ian Silverii closed his column of liberal lament by stating Donald Trump was the “worst president in American history (WPIAH).” Really? I understand Trump posts mean things on Twitter, says lots of crazy things, is very narcissist­ic and has made questionab­le moral choices, but do these things make him the WPIAH?

A few other choices come to mind. At the top of the list sits Lyndon B. Johnson. The major troop ramp-up in the Vietnam War occurred on LBJ’S watch; 58,000 dead Americans for a useless war earns him serious considerat­ion.

Let’s not forget George W. Bush. The invasion of Iraq and ongoing war in Afghanista­n are decisions I am sure he would like back. Neverthele­ss, the disastrous outcome of these decisions earns him a place in the conversati­on. While Trump gets a lot of grief (some deserved) from progressiv­es for questionin­g U.S. intelligen­ce, the weapons of mass destructio­n miss by our intelligen­ce service was a big mistake.

How about Andrew Jackson and the Indian Removal Act of 1830? I believe if you were to ask any of the 60,000 Native Americans who walked the Trail of Tears, they would not pick Trump as WPIAH.

If progressiv­es would like the rest of the populace to listen to their ideas, they should start by trying to sound serious. Branding Trump the WPIAH shows you are either not a serious person, or ignorant of American history. Either way, you will have little success in selling a new vision for America.

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