The Denver Post

Hick enters Senate race

Ex-guv: “I’m not done fighting for the people of Colorado”

- By Nic Garcia and Justin Wingerter

John Hickenloop­er is launching a bid Thursday to unseat Republican U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner, exactly one week after pulling out of his run for the presidency.

“I’ve always said Washington was a lousy place for a guy like me who wants to get things done — but this is no time to walk away from the table,” the former governor of Colorado says in his announceme­nt video, according to a transcript the Hickenloop­er campaign provided to The Denver Post. “… I’m not done fighting for the people of Colorado.”

In the video, filmed at the Denver brewpub he founded, Hickenloop­er echoes his presidenti­al pitch to voters, which focused on ending the conflict in Washington. And he promises to work on fighting climate change, prescripti­on drug prices and economic inequity. “We ought to be working together to move this country forward and stop the political nonsense,” he says.

His entry is certain to upend the nascent Democratic Senate primary, which already includes 11 candidates. Early polls have shown Hickenloop­er outpacing Gardner in a hypothetic­al matchup. However, he is not expected to clear the Democratic field. Several Senate candidates pledged to stay in last week after Hickenloop­er dropped out of the presidenti­al race.

Partisan control of the U.S. Sen

ate hangs on a handful of key races, including Colorado’s. Gardner is considered one of the most vulnerable Senate Republican­s up for re-election in 2020, and national Democrats, who want to leave nothing to chance, leaned heavily on Hickenloop­er to run against him.

By entering the Senate primary, Hickenloop­er fulfills their wishes. However, his candidacy could dash the dreams of Colorado progressiv­es who had hoped the seat would be filled by a woman or person of color — adding diversity to Colorado’s Washington delegation.

Hickenloop­er’s decision also reverses months of public statements bluntly rejecting the idea of a Senate run. In February, he said, “I’m not cut out to be a senator.” In May, he said he would “be a difficult candidate” for Senate.

Republican­s have been pre-emptively criticizin­g Hickenloop­er since he abandoned his White House bid.

“John Hickenloop­er is desperate to redeem himself after flopping on the national stage, but we think he said it best just a few months ago: he is ‘not cut out’ for the Senate,” National Republican Senatorial Committee spokespers­on Joanna Rodriguez said Wednesday. “This crowded Senate field has been in a race to the left, and Hickenloop­er’s quixotic presidenti­al bid did not do him any favors in proving he can compete in any race in 2020.”

Curtis Hubbard, a Democratic strategist who publicly lobbied Hickenloop­er to enter the race, said the candidate will be able to walk back those comments with ease.

“When you’re running for one office, it’s tough to answer that you would be interested in another office. And in this instance, it’s clear from the public outpouring for him to enter the race and from his accomplish­ments in Colorado that the Senate campaign is the right place for John Hickenloop­er,” Hubbard said. “He’s always been one to look at the facts and then make a decision. Having looked at the facts, it would not surprise me that he understand­s the right decision is to enter the race and make Cory Gardner a oneterm senator.”

The former governor’s entry makes an even dozen candidates in the Democratic race for the Senate. He is sure to reorder the top tier, which has been led by former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff and former state Sen. Mike Johnston in early polling. Johnston also has led the race in fundraisin­g, bringing in more last quarter than Hickenloop­er’s presidenti­al campaign.

Candidates in the race’s lower tier, made up primarily of progressiv­es, are sure to criticize Hickenloop­er’s moderate stances. Many have expressed frustratio­n at efforts to recruit the centrist white male rather than support a progressiv­e woman. Colorado has never elected a woman to the Senate. Meanwhile, Gardner’s campaign on Wednesday aimed to lump Hickenloop­er with the rest of the Democratic field.

“To us, Governor Hickenloop­er is just another liberal in the clown car,” Casey Contres, Gardner’s campaign manager, said in a statement. “Whoever their party nominates will be wildly out of step with Colorado and we look forward to facing them in the general election.”

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