The Denver Post

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock doesn’t deserve to stay in office

- Re: Peter Ehrlich, Helen H. Richardson, The Denver Post Stan Current, Richard Opler,

“A breach of the public’s trust,” March 1 editorial.

More alarming than Mayor Michael Hancock’s documented and repeated sexual harassment of a female police officer is his smooth and long-afterthe-fact “apology,” coupled with a pronouncem­ent that he is keeping his job. When U.S. Sen. Al Franken did far less (crude photo of a mocked assault, and other somewhat hazy allegation­s), he had the integrity to resign. Also quite puzzling is The Denver Post’s editorial assessment that the mayor is somehow still suited to finish his term. ●●●

If voters decide to give Denver Mayor Hancock a free pass like the City Council and Denver Post have and re-elect him next year, it will reinforce the double standard that enables men in power to harass and assault women and get away with it. It’s apparent the #MeToo warnings are being ignored in Denver. This makes it much more difficult for anyone, male or female, to come forward and protect others.


Hancock. Lebsock. Trump. Clinton. And on and on. Some of the sex and abuse allegation­s are criminal, others are extremely bad behavior. Whatever happened to manners amongst those who seek elected office? My mother always said keep your lips zipped. My father said keep your pants zipped. Pretty simple. Sen. Jeff Flake is right — character counts. Vote accordingl­y.

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