The Denver Post

It’s not too early to handicap the 2018 elections

- By Albert R. Hunt

All national elections are hyped as seminal. The midterms of 2018 are the real deal.

If Democrats win at least one branch of Congress, there will be an investigat­ive feast — with rich targets — of the ethically challenged administra­tion of President Donald Trump, plus a check on presidenti­al actions. If Republican­s retain full control, expect renewed attacks on Obamacare, efforts to cut Medicare and Social Security, and one or two more right-wing Supreme Court justices.

Equally significan­t will be gubernator­ial and state legislativ­e contests. These will serve either to complement or counter national policies, and will set the table for redistrict­ing following the 2020 census.

The early line is good for Democrats. As the year commences, here’s how it looks.

House of Representa­tives. Most polls suggest that Democrats will gain the two dozen seats they’d need to take control. I’m even more taken by an assessment by Mark Gersh, who has tracked House races for Democrats for 40 years and is respected for prescience and caution. “Our chances are very solid,” he said in a recent interview. “The number 24 is not daunting.”

Democrats start with an advantage in contests for 14 Republican-held seats in the deep-blue states of California, New York and New Jersey. They expect to win most of those. They see promising opportunit­ies in more than a dozen other states, multiple ones in a couple. In Iowa, for example, a reliable Iowa poll last month showed Democrats running ahead of two Republican incumbents, one by a huge margin, and within striking distance of a third.

If a blue wave rolls through the electorate, Democrats could win even more, including supposedly safe Republican seats in states as diverse as Florida, Utah, Michigan and Virginia.

Republican­s expect to lose seats, but think they’ll keep a narrow majority thanks to strong incumbents and lots of money. They also anticipate winning several seats held by Democrats in politicall­y divided purple states like Minnesota.

Senate. The electoral map is daunting for Democrats when it comes to senators. They have to defend 26 seats, the Republican­s only eight. To take over, Democrats need a net gain of two.

At the moment, six Democratic incumbents face difficult challenges, though two of them — Montana’s Jon Tester and West Virginia’s Joe Manchin — appear to be in good shape. Three Republican seats look competitiv­e, and Democrats think at least one more will be in play either because a right-wing challenger supported by the Steve Bannon wing of the Republican Party will rough up a safe incumbent or because of a surprise in Texas or some other demographi­cally fluid state.

Even if all those factors break in the Democrats’ favor, they’d still be at a disadvanta­ge. They’d have to win eight of the 10 competitiv­e races — all but one (Nevada) in states carried by Trump in 2016. A must-win for Democrats is Tennessee, where former Gov. Phil Bredesen will mount a strong challenge in a heavily Republican state. (Incumbent Sen. Bob Corker is retiring.) Republican­s would be concerned if they can’t unseat Sen. Claire McCaskill in Republican-friendly Missouri.

Governors. There are 35 gubernator­ial offices up for grabs, with 26 held by Republican­s and one, in Alaska, by an independen­t. For Democrats, there’s a Big Five: Ohio, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvan­ia. All but Pennsylvan­ia are now in Republican hands.

What happens in these states can influence national politics. For one thing, they’re all battlegrou­nd venues in presidenti­al elections. But the biggest factor is the influence they will have on redistrict­ing after the 2020 census.

In all five of these states, governors have veto power over any redrawn district map. After the 2010 census, Republican­s reshaped congressio­nal and state legislativ­e districts through effective, partisan gerrymande­ring.

Statehouse­s. State legislatur­es are even more important than governors when it comes to redistrict­ing. Republican­s now enjoy overwhelmi­ng statehouse majorities in states where the 2016 presidenti­al vote was close. Democrats will mount a major effort to cut into these margins with help from former President Barack Obama, who was asleep at the switch in the last redistrict­ing fight, and are hoping to take over a couple of chambers. They will announce top targets in a few weeks.

Beyond the Big Five states, a fierce battle is brewing in North Carolina, where gerrymande­ring has given Republican­s almost a 2-to-1 majority in the legislatur­e and 10 of 13 U.S. House seats. In moves Vladimir Putin would admire, Tar Heel Republican­s ruthlessly changed rules and procedures in 2016 after voters elected a Democratic governor, stripping him of many executive powers.

The nationwide outcome will be affected by legal rulings on challenges to the way many states draw legislativ­e districts and a Supreme Court decision this session on gerrymande­ring cases from Wisconsin and Maryland. There are also efforts underway to set up ballot referendum­s in Michigan and, less likely, Ohio to create nonpartisa­n redistrict­ing commission­s.

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