The Denver Post

Stop meddling with Colorado’s sage grouse

- By Luke Schafer

Regardless of partisansh­ip and political persuasion, nearly everyone can agree that the Trump administra­tion’s brief tenure has been an exercise in controvers­y, confusion, and chaos. This phenomenon hasn’t been limited to the White House. Indeed, the Department of Interior — which manages our national parks, monuments, and public lands — has repeatedly been at the center of controvers­y due to numerous actions instigated by Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke.

The most recent controvers­y occurred just last week, when Sec. Zinke went against the wishes of our Gov. John Hickenloop­er, a Democrat, and Wyoming’s Gov. Matt Mead, a Republican, in announcing that he is taking steps to unravel the collaborat­ive plans put in place in 2015 to protect the Greater sage grouse, a bird that lives on northweste­rn Colorado’s sagebrush seas.

These plans involved years of Colorado-style hard work, in which ranchers, conservati­onists, land managers, and the oil and gas industry came together to create plans that saved the sage grouse from being listed on the Endangered Species Act. A listing would have indicated that the sage grouse was in grave peril and put more restrictio­ns in place to save it. In addition to providing commonsens­e protection­s for the sage grouse, the plans also allowed plenty of opportunit­y for energy developmen­t on our public lands. As Gov. Mead said, we “found the skeleton key that opens the door to a better path on how to deal with endangered species.”

The sage grouse plans were also important because they functioned as an investment policy for elk, mule deer, and pronghorn that live in sagebrush habitat and hold huge cultural and economic importance to rural Western communitie­s.

As a conservati­onist and sportsman who has spent decades working on sage grouse conservati­on, I can say with confidence that Zinke’s attempts to undermine the 2015 sage grouse plans are an affront to Westerners who value collaborat­ion, counterpro­ductive to the cause of saving sage grouse, and antithetic­al to establishe­d science.

First, Zinke’s decision undermines the voices and hard work of Westerners who came to the table to craft the plans and have worked to implement them. Ranchers, sportsmen, conservati­onists, oil and gas operators, local elected officials, and others worked together to mitigate the constant uncertaint­y that surrounded sage grouse management. We charted a course that could put the sage grouse on a path to recovery while ensuring that traditiona­l uses like livestock grazing, energy developmen­t, and outdoor recreation could still take place at historical­ly comparable levels.

Second, Zinke’s recommenda­tions will likely result in the Greater sage grouse being listed as an endangered species because they eliminate key habitat protection­s necessary to avoid habitat loss from oil and gas developmen­t, one of the primary threats to the bird’s habitat.

Lastly, many of Zinke’s rollbacks are based on informatio­n that is antithetic­al to establishe­d science. This includes pushing states to substitute population targets in lieu of conservati­on goals, prioritizi­ng oil and gas developmen­t in areas that are managed for their habitat value, and changes to the process that fundamenta­lly undermine the prospects for short and long-term success of the plans.

The 2015 plans that many of us worked on were not and never will be perfect. There will always be interests that want more concession­s for their side and refuse to compromise. But the plans incorporat­ed the recommenda­tions made by the scientists who identified conservati­on objectives for the species and the methods to achieve them.

Zinke has repeatedly referenced the need for America to be “energy dominant” as a justificat­ion for rolling back protection­s. But at what cost? The 2015 sage grouse plans represente­d the success of collaborat­ive conservati­on, a process where not everyone may love the outcome, but the collective goal is achieved. Zinke is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by underminin­g all of our collective hard work and placing the bird back under the threat of the need of an Endangered Species Act


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