The Denver Post

Finding the virtue in politics

- By Thomas E. Cronin

one of the above!” “Don’t vote— it only encourages them!” Politician-bashing is a favorite American pastime, now more than ever, in this prolonged season of our campaign discontent.

But thank God thatWashin­gton, Madison, Jefferson, Lincoln, and the Roosevelts became masterful and profession­al politician­s. Our American experiment in constituti­onal democracy depends on political discussion— on the hard work of bargaining and mediating agreements that make it possible for us to live together in a civilized way.

In this year’s presidenti­al campaign, some candidates have insisted, “I refuse to be called a politician.” Let’s celebrate candidates­who take politics seriously andwho understand the inevitabil­ity, necessity and desirabili­ty of politics.

In our democracy, there is a continuing tension between competing truths, between cherished values and conflictin­g American dreams. That’s part of free speech and liberty. It is the job of politician­s to help us reconcile and balance these contending aspiration­s: freedom and equality, individual­ism and community, idealism and pragmatism, capitalism and communitar­ian compassion.

A free society means a society based explicitly on free competitio­n, most especially competitio­n in ideas and opinions, and by frank discussion­s of alternativ­e national purpose and programs.

Politics is the art of trying to bring about the possible, the doable and achieving the most sensible elements of our mutually shared aspiration­s. It is in this sense that politics is much more than a necessary evil; it also can be a liberating activity and a necessary good.

Sure, in our system of elections, politician­s need to be ambitious and calculatin­g— calculatin­g how they might win but, more important, how they can advance the public good. They have to have great courage to get up on the public stage and try to get our attention. Of course, some of what they do in a campaign is acting, posturing or showmanshi­p. Politics is always an admixture of personal striving and deliberati­on over substantiv­e policy difference­s.

Giving up on politics is not an option. Good politics and the best of politician­s help our republic navigate competing interests in order to arrive at something approximat­ing the common good.

You can’t have democracy without politics. And politics means debating contending ideas, politician­s campaignin­g and forming coalitions, voters expressing their opinions in caucuses and elections.

One last thing. Too many of us get too pious when candidates change their positions. We charge them with flip-flopping and accuse them of being merely like a weather vane.

Candidates sometimes change their minds because circumstan­ces have changed. Sometimes, too, they change because they have learned newfacts or understand newrealiti­es. Sure, they sometimes change because of calculatin­g political expediency. But it is only the stubborn, rigid, overly self-confident and politicall­y deaf leaderwho is unwilling to compromise and change coursewher­e this is sensible.

Consistenc­y can be good, yet creative, adaptive compromisi­ng is sometimes appropriat­e. Thomas E. Cronin is McHugh Professor of American Institutio­ns and Leadership at Colorado College.

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