The Denver Post

Should Denver remove DIA “Mustang” sculpture?

Re: “Mustang” could see departure from DIA,” Feb. 2 news story.


Your article was of interest to me because I have always thought the blue mustang with the red eyes has never served as a symbol of our state.

I would encourage readers to view the sculptures of the horses shown on South Sante Fe Drive where Prince Street north from Littleton intersects Santa Fe. On the southwest corner are sculptures that far more represent our wonderful Colorado.

My husband, who is now 84, was raised around Sterling on a farm. I was told by my husband’s mother that his dad would put him on a horse to help plow the farm alongside his dad on another horse. At the end of the row, his dad would turn the child’s horse around and both would proceed to plow the two new rows. The sculpture on Sante Fe makes me feel as if it is typical of Colorado farming and ranching areas. Notice the horses don’t have red eyes and seem very gentle.

I am sorry for the death of Luis Jimenez [the sculptor who created “Mustang” and who was killed when it fell on him in his studio] and wish he had never started the project.

The one thing I always look for when going to or from the airport is the wonderful big blue mustang. I get a thrill seeing it each and every time. It is majestic and beautiful, a delightful work of art that can be seen no place else. It has constantly baffled me as to why anyone would be unable to appreciate this creative piece, at least enough to let it continue to stand for the pleasure of those of us who do love it. If a person doesn’t care for it, they could always look the other way when driving by.

DianneWido­m, Erie

Dramatic blue horse, lovable blue bear, brilliant blue skies … what an indelible impression we make on visitors to our beautiful state. Let’s keep it that way.

Bobbi Barrow, Denver

As to DIA’s blue stallion, let the townspeopl­e of Denver rise up and slay the abominatio­n that killed its artist maker during its creation— monstrous Frankenste­ed.

PeterWesse­l, Denver

Ginny Hurst,

Can we just put a pair of sunglasses on the blue bronco? This seems to be the best, easiest, least expensive solution, and would make everyone flying in or out of Denver remember Colorado as a cool place to be.

Rob Case, Littleton

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