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Can pink noise enhance sleep and memory? Early research makes a buzz


You may have heard of white noise used to mask background sounds. Now, it has colorful competitio­n. There's a growing buzz around pink noise, brown noise, green noise — a rainbow of soothing sounds — and their theoretica­l effects on sleep, concentrat­ion and the relaxation response.

The science is new with only a few small studies behind it, but that hasn't stopped thousands of people from listening to hours of these noises on YouTube and on meditation apps that provide a palette of color noises with paid subscripti­ons.

What is pink noise?

To understand pink noise, start with white, the most familiar of the color noises.

White noise is similar to static on a radio or TV. Sound engineers define it as having equal volume across all the frequencie­s audible to the human ear. It gets its name from white light, which contains all the visible color wavelength­s.

But the high frequencie­s of white noise can sound harsh. Pink noise turns down the volume on those higher frequencie­s, so it sounds lower in pitch and more like the natural sound of rain or the ocean.

Brown noise sounds even lower in pitch, giving it a pleasing, soothing rumble.

Pink and brown, like white, have standard definition­s to audio experts. Other color noises are more recent creations with very flexible definition­s.

What’s the science behind color noises?

White noise and pink noise may provide small benefits for people with attention-deficit/hyperactiv­ity disorder, according to a recent review of limited ADHD studies. In theory, it wakes up the brain, said ADHD researcher and co-author Joel Nigg of Oregon Health & Science University in Portland.

“The noise provides stimulatio­n to the brain without providing informatio­n, and so it doesn't distract,” Nigg said.

White noise has been used to treat ringing or buzzing in the ear, called tinnitus.

Scientists at Northweste­rn University are studying how short pulses of pink noise can enhance the slow brain waves of deep sleep. In small studies, these pink-noise pulses have shown promise in improving memory and the relaxation response.

Pink noise has a frequency profile “very similar to the distributi­on of brain wave frequencie­s we see in slow-wave sleep because these are large, slow waves,” said Dr. Roneil Malkani, assistant professor of neurology at Northweste­rn University Feinberg School of Medicine.

If Northweste­rn's research pans out, it could lead to a medical device to improve sleep or memory through personaliz­ed pulses of pink noise. But many scientific questions remain unanswered, Malkani said. “There's still a lot of work we have to do.”

Is there any harm in trying color noises?

If color noises feel calming and help you drown out distractio­ns, it makes sense to use them. Keep them at a quiet level, of course, to prevent hearing loss and take “plenty of breaks for the ears to rest,” Nigg said.

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