The Day

Promising path forward for a healthy America

- By MARY SANCHEZ Mary Sanchez’s commentary is distribute­d by the Tribune Content Agency.

Difference­s on abortion and birth control should not overshadow the overarchin­g need to provide adequate access to health care for all.


Bible-pounding has become a favored tactic of politician­s, it was only a matter of time before one of the cabinet choices of the incoming Biden administra­tion would set off screeds of fire and brimstone.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has become the target.

Becerra has been nominated to be the Secretary of Health and Human Services, a crucial role not only because of the pandemic, but because president-elect Joe Biden will be focused on preserving and hopefully improving Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act.

Becerra, a Catholic, faces the gauntlet of the finger-pointers, those who question another’s sanctity, the fitness of their soul.

It’s due to abortion, Becerra’s role in defending Obamacare and his support for the original exemptions it offered to religious nonprofits regarding mandates to provide coverage for contracept­ion, versus the far broader ones demanded in lawsuits.

The Federalist headline on the pick: “Declaring War on Nuns, Biden to Nominate Becerra for HHS Secretary.”

That’s a nod to the lawsuit Becerra participat­ed in involving the Little Sisters of the Poor, which was among the nonprofits that challenged the Obama administra­tion and won in court.

The Washington Examiner lead with, “Xavier Becerra for HHS Means Biden is Dead Serious About Sticking It to Religious Freedom.”

Others called him “aggressive­ly pro-abortion.”

Upon the announceme­nt, Becerra tweeted: “In Congress, I helped pass the Affordable Care Act. As California’s Attorney General, I defended it. As Secretary of Health and Human Services, I will build on our progress and ensure every American has access to quality, affordable health care through this pandemic and beyond.”

The point at the end of the statement drew some better angels to stand up on Becerra’s behalf.

Catholic Health Associatio­n issued their support, in statements and in follow-up comments.

CHA noted that Becerra, “has been a strong partner with CHA in defending the Affordable Care Act and for advocating for greater access to quality, affordable health care coverage for everyone, particular­ly the most vulnerable.”

Given the massive imprint of Catholicis­m on health care in America, the statement is noteworthy. One in every seven U.S. patients is cared for in a Catholic hospital, according to the associatio­n.

Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, president and CEO of the associatio­n, defined the support for Becerra to the National Catholic Reporter saying, “There have been so many political battles over the course of the past four years that we really have not advanced much in the area of health care. We know that no individual will have all of the same policy positions that we might have, but we have to find common ground.”

She’s right.

COVID-19 has morbidly showcased the flaws of our current health care systems, in particular lower-income people’s lack of access. African Americans and Latinos are disproport­ionately dying.

We need to fight for health care, for the nation as a whole, even if that means setting aside personal beliefs.

Raised Roman Catholic, I was influenced by my mother, who struggled with multiple miscarriag­es and came to Catholicis­m through her marriage to my father. As she aged, she began to intelligen­tly analyze the faith’s practical and impractica­l impact on families.

She knew that some were highly stressed financiall­y and emotionall­y by having large families. There were also the medical risks of repeated pregnancie­s, particular­ly if the births came later in the life of the mother. She failed to see how preventing a pregnancy through contracept­ion was anywhere near the same as ending a life by abortion. I believe this as well.

The majority of Catholics in the nation, as evidenced in repeated polling by many different entities, share similar beliefs. Is this the often-mentioned cafeteria Catholic in action? Absolutely, it is choosing which of the faith’s many rules coincide with personal feelings.

But my mother also revered the work of Little Sisters of the Poor and wanted any donations to charity upon her death to be received by them, a request that was granted.

To some, that might seem a contradict­ion. I think it’s honoring sacred work.

It’s in that spirit and the hope for a healthier and more co-existing United States that the support for Becerra’s nomination is wellplaced.

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