The Day

Swift trial seems likely

Historic proceeding­s in Senate begin today


Washington — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday proposed a condensed, two-day calendar for each side to give opening statements in President Donald Trump’s impeachmen­t trial, ground rules that are raising objections from Democrats on the eve of the landmark proceeding­s.

The Republican leader outlined the process in a four-page resolution that will be voted on as one of the first orders of business when senators convene today. It also pushes off any votes on witnesses until later in the process, rather than up front, as Democrats demanded.

McConnell has been angling for a speedy trial toward acquittal of the charges against the president, and the closely held rules package arrived Monday after Trump’s legal team asserted in a legal brief that he did “absolutely nothing wrong,” urging the Senate to swiftly reject the “flimsy” and rigged impeachmen­t case against him.

With Republican­s holding the Senate majority, McConnell’s proposal is likely to be approved by senators in the president’s party.

The Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer, called the GOP leader’s proposed rules package a “national disgrace.”

“It’s clear Senator McConnell is hell-bent on making it much more difficult to get witnesses and documents and intent on rushing the trial through,” Schumer said. He vowed to propose votes to try to amend the package.

The rules package arrived late Monday as the Capitol was bracing for the start of the trial.

After the four days of opening statements — two days per side — senators will be allowed up to 16 hours for questions to the prosecutio­n and defense, followed by four hours of debate. Only then will there be votes on calling other witnesses.

In the rare event that senators agree to call witnesses, the rules propose that any witness must be deposed and the Senate would then decide which ones, if any, would testify in public.

At the end of deliberati­ons, the Senate would then vote on each impeachmen­t article.

The White House welcomed the proposal for a speedy trial.

“We are gratified that the draft resolution protects the President’s rights to a fair trial, and look forward to presenting a vigorous defense on the facts and the process as quickly as possible, and seeking an acquittal as swiftly as possible,” said White House Legislativ­e Affairs Director Eric Ueland.

In a brief from Trump’s lawyers, they argued he did “absolutely nothing wrong” and urged the Senate to swiftly reject the “flimsy case.”

“All of this is a dangerous perversion of the Constituti­on that the Senate should swiftly and roundly condemn,” the lawyers wrote. “The articles should be rejected and the president should immediatel­y be acquitted.”

The 110-page brief from the White House, plus the House Democratic response, come as the Senate could be facing 12-hour sessions for the rare trial taking place in an election year, with some of the very senators running to replace Trump as president sitting as jurors. Democrats warned that such a plan would almost certainly push the proceeding­s into hours when Americans may not be watching.

With security tightening at the Capitol, the House prosecutor­s made their way through crowds of tourists in the Rotunda to tour the Senate chamber. The White House legal team led by Pat Cipollone and Jay Sekulow soon followed, both sides under instructio­ns to keep the chamber doors closed to onlookers and the media. Four TV monitors were set up inside to show testimony, exhibits and potentiall­y tweets or other social media, according to a person familiar with the matter but unauthoriz­ed to discuss it who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Senators are poised for only the third trial of its kind in U.S. history, but first they must contend with a rules fight and whether to allow new witnesses.

In their own filing Monday, House prosecutor­s issued fresh demands for a fair trial in the Senate.

“President Trump asserts that his impeachmen­t is a partisan ‘hoax.’ He is wrong,” the prosecutor­s wrote.

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