The Day

Trump’s first year full of twists, turns, turmoil


Washington — A bleak descriptio­n of “American carnage.” A forceful rollback of his predecesso­r’s achievemen­ts. A blatant falsehood from the White House podium. And that was just the first 24 hours. In his first year in office, Donald Trump proved to be a singular figure, casting aside norms and traditions, fighting with Republican­s and Democrats alike and changing how the nation and the presidency are viewed at home and abroad.

Seemingly each day spawned several can-you-believe-it headlines that would have defined a previous president’s term. But in the hyper-accelerate­d Trump news cycle, many were forgotten by the next morning.

Appropriat­e for a former reality TV star, Trump’s first year was can’t-miss drama, full of unforgetta­ble characters, surprise casting changes and innumerabl­e plot twists. It came against the backdrop of a deeply polarized nation, a looming nuclear threat, whispers about the president’s fitness for office and, for good measure, the shadow of the Russia investigat­ion.

The reviews weren’t kind. Trump’s first-year approval rating stood at 39 percent, the lowest of any president. But viewers couldn’t look away.

“He is a compulsive­ly watchable political character,” said Jon Meacham, presidenti­al historian and biographer. “The country elected the most unconventi­onal president in our history and he has proven to be just that. To me, the story of the first year is the atmospheri­c chaos that the president has created, sustained and perpetuate­d.”

Trump was the first president to be elected without any government or military experience. And from the first moments of Trump’s inaugurati­on, it was clear that Washington had never seen anything like this before.

His inaugural speech was a dark pitch to the nation’s forgotten, suggesting a retreat from the world under the slogan of “America First.” It soon led to an uproar over the White House press secretary’s wild claims about the inaugurati­on crowd size. Soon, other crowds were the story. Millions of people flooded streets around the globe for the “Women’s March” to protest Trump’s presidency. That set the template for the socalled #Resistance, which swarmed airports just days later when the White House suddenly announced its travel ban on visitors from several Muslim-majority countries.

There would be little attempt from Trump to bring those protesters into the fold. Despite losing the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, the president forged forward as if elected with a sweeping mandate, aiming his policies directly at his base — with moves such as the rollback of environmen­tal regulation­s and civil rights protection­s — and blaming Democrats for any Washington failure.

Always eager to have a foe, Trump governed as he campaigned, and not just by incessantl­y reliving his 2016 election over Hillary Clinton. Trump frequently instigated fights and rarely let a slight go unanswered via his favorite weapon, his Twitter account.

Any talk of restrainin­g his Twitter usage was soon forgotten. He used the 140-character — and later, up to 280 — bursts to target foes, traffic in conspiracy theories, salute the programmin­g on Fox News, rattle Congress and unnerve world capitals.

“The country elected the most unconventi­onal president in our history and he has proven to be just that. To me, the story of the first year is the atmospheri­c chaos that the president has created, sustained and perpetuate­d.” PRESIDENTI­AL HISTORIAN JON MEACHAM

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