The Day



A short article in the Dec. 6 edition, “Ten police dog teams search Stonington High school; no drugs detected,” attracted a long list of comments on The following is a sampling.

“Leave the police and their dogs at the door, let the children be at peace while in school.” —Tatertots

“Talk about the beginnings of a police state. I also think the police would be better off devoting their time and resources to the opioid epidemic that is plaguing the area.” —Henry’s Dad

“Tatertots and Henry's Dad need to wake up. Drugs is one of the most dangerous things that our youth deal with today. We need to make sure that OUR SCHOOLS ARE SAFE! This is just one way of many, to make that happens.” —Basketball god

“Actually it is not a bad decision. Be curious to see what the metrics were from when they first started the sweeps to now and see if it has been a deterrence in keeping drugs out.” —Jeff

“How many people condoning this would be ok with police coming to their place of work and searching their desks for contraband or going through their PCs looking for anything incriminat­ing?” —Scatter

“I always support zero tolerance of drug use, especially at school where kids should concentrat­e on learning. No drugs found. Excellent outcome. Schedule the next one!” —Brian12

“As a parent of an SHS student where these searches were done, I SAY THANK YOU! Our kids know we are serious and will search. Drug free means drug free.” —Stonington Independen­t Mom

“Geez, the adults are stupid and the kids are a step ahead of you. They know to keep the stuff on them now. They only do the search in the hallway and around cars. Maybe they should walk through the class rooms while the kids are there.” —Rascals

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