The Day

The many benefits of shellfish aquacultur­e

Mystic and Niantic oysters are available in local restaurant­s. Wouldn’t it be nice to add scallops and clams to the mix?

- By ERIC KANTER Eric Kanter is a member of the Waterford/East Lyme Shellfish Commission. He lives on the Niantic River.

Humankind went from being hunter-gatherers on land to agricultur­ists several thousand years ago. We are still mainly hunter-gatherers at sea. This reality has caused overfishin­g with many major fisheries depleted.

We need to go from hunter-gathering at sea to aquacultur­e. Many forms of sustainabl­e aquacultur­e already exist, such as fish and shrimp farming, and shellfish cultivatio­n. In our area oyster growing produces sustainabl­e shellfish with many producers in western Long Island Sound.

In recent years, the eastern Sound has attracted shellfish growers with operations in Mystic and Niantic Bay. There are myriad benefits to shellfish aquacultur­e including fresh, local, renewable, sources of protein.

Our local waters, while productive, are beset by numerous problems. Industrial discharge, stormwater run-off, and non-point source pollution degrade the marine environmen­t. Land based runoff adds excess nitrogen, which as a fertilizer promotes algae blooms. In the process of decomposit­ion, oxygen is depleted causing hypoxia. Very little marine life can live in waters with low levels of oxygen.

The western Sound generally is more susceptibl­e to hypoxia. Here in the eastern Sound our communitie­s are less urbanized and the Sound has more mixing of ocean waters.

There was hypoxia in the upper Niantic River a few years ago, however, accompanie­d by fish kills and malodorous conditions. Shellfish are great filter feeders. An adult oyster can filter as much as 50 gallons a day of water. They remove nitrogen as part of the process.

In upper Narraganse­tt Bay, for example — where shellfishi­ng is prohibited due to the proximity of Providence’s industrial­ized zones — the 750 million hard-shelled clams (quahogs) filter a large percentage of the water on a daily basis. The spawn the clams produce help to replenish the lower bay’s harvested shellfish.

The Niantic River historical­ly has had large harvests of bay scallops (argopectin irradians). In recent years, the population has been scarce. Most bay scallops consumed in the U.S. now come from overseas.

If we are to regain local shellfish in harvestabl­e quantities, we need aquacultur­e to help us. Mystic and Niantic oysters are now available in local restaurant­s. Wouldn’t it be nice to add scallops, hard and soft shell clams to the mix?

Waters have been cleaned up a bit, with more eelgrass beds east of the Connecticu­t River. Eelgrass is indicative of cleaner water and provides a refuge for juvenile marine species. Bay scallops attach themselves to eelgrass stalks to escape predation until they’re large enough to survive on the bottom.

Aquacultur­e projects can be a win, win, win for the area.

They provide fresh, sustainabl­e sources of local shellfish. They improve water quality. And the larvae produce the next generation in surroundin­g areas. Most shellfish commission­s require a payment in kind of adult shellfish to be broadcast enhancing recreation­al beds.

Some characteri­ze aquacultur­e projects as large, dirty, noisy, odor-producing nuisances. They are none of that. They generally encompass an area of cages and floats with regulatory buoys on the perimeter.

A waterman may be seen in a skiff tending the enclosure.

Connecticu­t has recently lost some prominent businesses and jobs. Our state and local communitie­s should promote aquacultur­e for the economic benefits as well the environmen­tal and quality of life advantages.

Those concerned with rapid depletion of pelagic fisheries or importatio­n of fish and shellfish from other countries, some with lax environmen­tal standards, should support aquacultur­e in local waters. We certainly can debate the size and placement of gear in our waters, but there should be no debate as to the benefits of properly managed and well maintained aquacultur­e projects.

For those who want to learn more, we are lucky to have an excellent resource in our backyard — Connecticu­t Sea Grant at the University of Connecticu­t at Avery Point. You can visit their website at focus-areas/aquacultur­e/ to learn more about shellfish aquacultur­e.

 ?? DANA JENSEN/THE DAY ?? Tim Londregan talks about opening a shellfish hatchery on the Niantic River off Mago Point while aboard his Niantic Bay Shellfish Farm vessel birthed on the river in August.
DANA JENSEN/THE DAY Tim Londregan talks about opening a shellfish hatchery on the Niantic River off Mago Point while aboard his Niantic Bay Shellfish Farm vessel birthed on the river in August.

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