The Day

Keeping Men Stronger Longer


Male vitality and men’s sexual health continue to be taboo topics in today’s society, making the path towards resolving these issues a struggle for many. New England Men’s Health Group is looking to change that.

Specializi­ng in erectile dysfunctio­n and male sexual health, the Cromwell-based medical group is aiming to bring the conversati­on to the forefront, eliminate the stigma, and let men know that there are many options for penile rehabilita­tion and functional restoratio­n.

Erectile dysfunctio­n is more common than one may think. Nearly 40% of men over the age of 40 have some form of erectile dysfunctio­n, while nearly 50% of men between the ages of 50 and 70 are affected. The likelihood for men over 70 increases, with nearly 70% afflicted with some form of ED.

Part of New England Men’s Health Group’s process is getting down to the root of the problem, identifyin­g the cause, and providing the most effective treatment. Erectile dysfunctio­n can be linked to a number of different causes ranging from previously existing medical conditions to lifestyle choices.

Prostate cancer, diabetes, and heart disease are just a few medical problems that can contribute to ED. The degradatio­n of small blood vessels that feed small nerves in patients with diabetes can eventually cause a lack of nerve innervatio­n to stimulate an erection. In patients with heart disease, the heart’s ability to pump blood to the penis as well as medication­s inhibiting the rise of pressure within the penis can contribute to ED.

Back pain and back problems can also cause ED. Just as nerves can be damaged by prostate issues, the same can happen with the nerves running from the lower back into the pelvis. This can be a result of numerous factors including careers that require extensive amounts of time driving a vehicle or hobbies such as motorcycle or bicycle riding.

Performanc­e anxiety, the fear of not being able to perform with someone else, is also a common reason for ED, along with premature ejaculatio­n. PE can be a result of psychologi­cal factors including anxiety, guilt, or depression or. Like ED, it can also stem from pre-existing medical issues or side effects of medication.

New England Men’s Health Group’s ultimate goal is to preserve or restore a man’s function and improve his quality of life through discreet, profession­al rehabilita­tion treatment. The group’s approach begins with a physical exam, which includes the use of the Lumify Ultrasound®, a non-invasive, painless ultrasound to visualize blood flow inside the penis. An individual­ized care plan is then developed for each patient.

Additional­ly, New England Men’s Health Group offers over two hundred medication options including custom-blended medication and programs specifical­ly designed to meet each patient’s particular needs. Patients also have the option to have any prescribed medication shipped directly to their home after their initial visit.

This patient-centric, dedicated approach to penile rehabilita­tion has resulted in a 92% success rate for patients who have been seen by New England Men’s Health Group.

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