The Day

Letter was right, probe war crimes


Kudos to Rocco Gentilella for his insightful letter, “Investigat­e something real, the Iraq war crimes,” (July 25), urging an investigat­ion into the tragic, misguided decision to invade Iraq in 2003. President Bush’s Gang of Four puppeteers, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, convinced their lackey to commit thousands of U.S. service men and women in a fruitless dream of liberating the Iraqi people, blinded by visions of newly liberated Parisians tossing roses in the path of allied troops who liberated their city in 1944.

My heart goes out to one of my heroes, General Colin Powell, then secretary of state, who put party loyalty above personal conviction and gamely supported the tragic decision, knowing full well it would be a monumental error.

So where is Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., who recently spent 20 months and $5 million of taxpayer money on a fruitless investigat­ive attempt to hold Hillary Clinton directly responsibl­e for the Benghazi tragedy, only to come up empty handed? The loss of four American lives at Benghazi is tragic, but pales in comparison to the thousands lost in Iraq. I guess party loyalty trumps his sense of right and wrong.

And to think that Cheney had the gall to call Obama the worst president in American history!

John Helming Ledyard

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