The Day



When an Associated Press story appeared on referencin­g Fox News commentato­r Bill O’Reilly’s comments that the slaves who helped build the White House “were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government,” it generated quite a response from readers. O’Reilly was reacting to Michelle Obama’s convention speech in which she stated, “I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves.”

“What does that have to do with anything? And how does he even know that was the case?” — Scatter

“Scatter — He knows because he is a historian. You can read about it, the White House Historical Society has maintained all the records, pay receipts, work hours and names. Unfortunat­ely the slaves were only recorded by their first names. The records show ... slaves rented from their owners ... the amounts paid to the slave owners, and they also delineate the lodging and meal provided all the laborers ...”

— R

“Talk about Loons, Bill O’Reilly has to be one of the biggest. A slave is a slave ... Just shows how pompous and arrogant Bill O’Reilly really is. To make such a statement is absurd.”

— SEctres

“Bill O’Reilly was there when it was built. Just read about it in his next book.”

— DRRTones

“Isn’t it just like Bill O’Reilly to find a little ‘silver lining’ in every cloud?”

— the voice of reason

“Why would anyone care what this idiot says? He’s like crack for narrow minds.”

— HipsterG

“Why do we have to keep hearing about slaves. This is why our country is divided, black people cannot stop talking about slaves. We have to end this someday slaves were part of the past not the future.”

— Open minded

“Bill OReilly is another loudmouth jerk. He incites bigotry and hatred. He is a mean, small man.”

— Norwich Resident

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