The Day

Resisting revisionis­ts: Finally, a first step

- The Washington Post

“The most significan­t reinforcem­ent of our collective defense any time since the Cold War,” President Obama called it. A bit of an exaggerati­on, perhaps, but it was still an achievemen­t: Last week’s NATO summit in Warsaw ordered the deployment of troops to Eastern Europe, the alliance’s most serious response yet to Russia’s aggression and provocatio­ns on its western frontier.

The post-Ukraine economic sanctions have been weak; the declamator­y denunciati­ons, a mere embarrassm­ent. They’ve only encouraged further reckless Russian behavior — the buzzing of U.S. ships, intrusions into European waters, threats to the Baltic States.

NATO will now deploy four battalions to front-line states. In Estonia, they will be led by Britain; in Lithuania, by Germany; in Latvia, by Canada; in Poland, by the United States. Not nearly enough, and not permanentl­y based, but nonetheles­s significan­t.

In the unlikely event of a Russian invasion of any of those territorie­s, these troops are to act as a tripwire, triggering a full-scale war with NATO. It’s the kind of coldbloode­d deterrent that kept the peace in Europe during the Cold War and keeps it now along the DMZ in Korea.

In the more likely event of a “little green men” takeover attempt in, say, Estonia (about 25 percent ethnically Russian), the sort of disguised slow-motion invasion that Vladimir Putin pulled off in Crimea, the NATO deployment­s might be enough to thwart the aggression and call in reinforcem­ents.

The message to Putin is clear: Yes, you’ve taken parts of Georgia and Ukraine. But they’re not NATO. That territory is sacred — or so we say.

This is a welcome developmen­t for the Balts, who are wondering whether they really did achieve irreversib­le independen­ce when the West won the Cold War. Their apprehensi­on is grounded in NATO’s flaccid response to Putin’s aggressive revanchism, particular­ly in Ukraine. Obama still won’t provide Ukraine with even defensive weaponry. This follows years of American accommodat­ion of Putin, from canceling a Polish-Czech missile defense system to, most recently, openly acquiescin­g to Russia’s seizure of a dominant role in Syria.

And what are the East Europeans to think when they hear the presumptiv­e presidenti­al candidate of the party of Reagan speaking dismissive­ly of NATO and suggesting a possible American exit?

After the humiliatin­g collapse of President Obama’s cherished Russian “reset,” instilling backbone in NATO and resisting Putin are significan­t strategic achievemen­ts. It leaves a marker for Obama’s successor, reassures the East Europeans and will make Putin think twice about repeating Ukraine in the Baltics.

However, the Western order remains challenged by the other two members of the troika of authoritar­ian expansioni­sts: China and Iran. Their provocatio­ns proceed unabated. Indeed, the next test for the United States is China’s furious denunciati­on of the decision handed down Tuesday by the Permanent Court of Arbitratio­n in The Hague — a blistering, sweeping and unanimous rejection of China’s territoria­l claims and military buildup in the South China Sea.

Without American action, however, The Hague’s verdict is a dead letter. Lecturing other great powers about adherence to “internatio­nal norms” is fine. But the Pacific Rim nations are anxious to see whether we will actually do something.

Regarding Iran, we certainly won’t. Our abject appeasemen­t continues, from ignoring Tehran’s serial violations of the nuclear agreement (the latest: intensifie­d efforts to obtain illegal nuclear technology in Germany) to the administra­tion acting as a kind of Chamber of Commerce to facilitate the sale of about 100 Boeing jetliners to a regime that routinely uses civilian aircraft for military transport (particular­ly in Syria).

The troop deployment­s to Eastern Europe are a good first step in pushing back against the rising revisionis­t powers. But a first step, however welcome, seven and a half years into a presidency, is a melancholy reminder of what might have been.

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