The Courier-Journal (Louisville)

LMPD names officers involved in fatal shooting Friday night

- Rachel Smith

Louisville Metro Police Department has released the names of the three officers involved in the fatal shooting of a man they say charged at them with a knife Friday night.

The incident took place in the 4700 block of Crawford Avenue around 11 p.m. after LMPD officers were dispatched to the area in Pleasure Ridge Park to follow up on a report of an armed individual.

LMPD Deputy Chief Steve Healey said in a news briefing early Saturday morning, the man, who has since been identified as Nicholas A. Pierce, charged at police with a knife after officers repeatedly told him to drop the weapon.

Pierce, 43, allegedly continued to charge at police after he was shot and “held officers at bay with the knife, thus preventing them from performing immediate, life-saving measures,” Healey said. Officers later disarmed Pierce and rendered aid before he was hospitaliz­ed.

Pierce later died Sunday at the University of Louisville Hospital.

Body camera footage of the incident is expected to be published within 10 business days of the shooting, as per LMPD protocol.

The three officers involved in the shooting were identified as Bailey Siegrist, Christine Silk and Noah Sheets.

Siegrist has been with the department since June 2022, while Silk and Sheets have been with LMPD for about a year. None of the officers has any disciplina­ry action on file, while Siegrist has a letter of commendati­on for being part of a team that responded to a reported break-in to a residence last year.

LMPD’s Public Integrity Unit is investigat­ing the incident.

Reporter Leo Bertucci contribute­d to this reporting.

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