The Community Post

Bergman: From out of our past


100 Years Ago July 18, 1924

Diamond Jubilee of St. Augustine Church – Recognizin­g the seventy-fifth anniversar­y of the dedication of the house now in use by the congregati­on – At this day it stands as a magnificen­t testimonia­l to the faith that the forefather­s had in their posterity to go forward with a work that was well grounded. --- The old church was built along primitive styles with its log sidings and rough finishings, The record shows that it was 40 x 60 feet in size and it is not unlikely that its capacity was taxed on many occasions. (Built in North Park)

The Western Ohio railway company has ordered a change in its schedule that is of concern to the travelers who come and go out of Minster. The car that had been leaving the station here at 9:08 am is now making its departure at 9:30 am, while the one that went out at 12:08 is now making its getaway at 12:55 pm.

His Grace Archbishop Moeller of Cincinnati, will make an official visit to Minster, he will consecrate the new alter and on Sunday he will assist at high mass. On Sunday evening he will have charge of confirmati­on services.

Julius Dillman Groceries and Notions store located 124 North Main St (Dudley’s)

Announceme­nt of the Minster Oil Co. – We have formally opened up our business to serve you with the best grades of Gasoline and Kerosene – the market affords. Also – Lubricatin­g Oils – in all grades to suit the various modes of tractors and motor cars.

75 Years Ago July 15, 1949

Wooden Shoes Win Over Puroil Peps – Wooden Shoe softball team defeated the Puroil Preps Tuesday Night 107. Roger Frericks picked up another win. Frank Brinkman and Jo Schemmel hit home runs. On Friday night the Wooden Shioe team will play the “Old - timers” at St Marys.

Misses Barbara Heinl, Nancy Herkenhoff, Janice Eiting, Betty Thieman, Dorothy Bornhorst and Jean Camp, majorettes of the Minster School Band, are spending this week attending the Victor Faber school of twirling at Bluffton college.

46 Runs are Scored in Softball game – Minster CYO gitls took their sixth straight softball game by defeating Celina gilrs in a high scoring event that saw 45 runs cross the plate. The contest was called at end of the fifthe inningbeca­use time was running out and another game remained to be played.

It’s time to rotate crops official says – Rotating so-called cash crops with hay and pasture adds life to the land and cash to the bank account. Chairman of the auglaize county AAA committee said today in pointing out that farmers have overworked their land, first to meet war needsand then becaause of post war demands and prices.

Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Schmieder of Sao Paulo, Brazil, who came to visit his parents, are spending several days in Detroit.

Attention Car Owners – We have installed a Sun Scientific Testing Machine and Equipment – to check and correct any car trouble you might have – Minster Motor Sales – 181 N. Main St – phone 93 - Minster

50 Years Ago July 18, 1974

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Albers celebrated their 40th wedding anniversar­y on Saturday, Their son, Fr. Thomas Albers, C.PP.S., Chicago, Ill offered a celebratio­n of the Mass at St. Augustine church. Mrs. Albers is the former Onnolee Makley of St. Marys.

Hole-In-One at Arrowhead – In the Tuesday night league at Arrowhead Park Country Club

Jim Thieman of Minster had a 140 yard hole in one on the Sixth hole. Modest Jim shyly said “I guess I win this hole” Jim is the second golfer to get a hole in one this year.

Minster Jaycee Track Girls Star – Beth Bergman, a second grader at Minster Elementary School won a 3rd place trophy in high jump (3”2”) and a 4th place ribbon in the long Jump (8’ 10 ½”) to lead scoring at the State meet in Versailles last Saturday.

Margo Slonkosky a Sophomore at The Ohio State University recently returned from England where she participat­ed in a tour for six weeks. The group studied and observed teaching methods applied in elementary, middle and university levels.

Crescent Theatre – The Sting with Paul Newman and Robert Redford

Minster Hotel (Formerly New City Hotel) – Rooms for rent by day, week, month – reasonable rates – Daily Luncheon Special – Full breakfast menu – Summer hours Mon. – Wed. 5:30 am to 11 pm. Thurs. to Sun. 5:20 am to 1 am.

Public Auction “Eagle Park” Minster, Ohio

2000 to 2007 Newspaper recently added to Minster Historical Society Website. Please go online and read Recent Additions.

2007 July 15, 2004 Council offered rusty water, hear road work update, Liwwat Boke controvers­y arises again, Minster native takes action to provide aid to Vietnamese, Country Concert 2004

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