The Community Connection

Proposed electoral reforms in Pa.

- Lowman S. Henry Columnist

Changes to the way in which Pennsylvan­ia elects statewide appellate court judges and justices and the process for how party nominees for lieutenant governor are selected have been proposed and are now being considered by the state legislatur­e. Each change would require amending the state constituti­on, so the process is both long and difficult.

Voters last week went to the polls and nominated candidates for two open seats on the state Superior Court. Turnout was low, and it is safe to say most voters knew little if anything about the candidates. Judges and justices of Pennsylvan­ia’s three appellate courts are elected statewide. Unlike other statewide races, such as for governor or U.S. Senator, little money is spent on judicial races and the candidates struggle for attention.

The judiciary is one-third of our state government. Judicial races should command the same level of interest and debate as gubernator­ial and legislativ­e races, but they do not.

Given the enormous influence and impact decisions of the appellate courts have, something needs to change so voters can become more familiar with the candidates.

Some would take Pennsylvan­ia in precisely the wrong direction by advocating so-called “merit selection” of the statewide judiciary. That, however, would merely result in special interests and insiders picking a third of state government cutting voters out of the process.

A better idea has been advanced by state Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon). Diamond would divide the state into judicial districts such as we have for electing members of the legislatur­e or for congress at the national level. This would accomplish two goals: bring geographic­ally balanced representa­tion to the courts; and by having candidates run in smaller districts make it easier for them to become known by voters.

The challenge to adopting this system is the disproport­ionate number of judges and justices from the population centers of Philadelph­ia and Allegheny County. Many legislator­s from those areas oppose this reform as they seek to preserve their outsized influence on the courts. Geographic­ally balanced representa­tion, however, is as important for the judiciary as it is the legislativ­e branch of government.

Meanwhile, state Sen. David Argall (R-Schuylkill/Berks) has proposed amending the state constituti­on to allow candidates for governor to select their running mate for lieutenant governor. Currently, candidates for governor and lieutenant governor run separately in the primary, but they are paired in the General Election with voters casting one vote for the nominees as a team.

Over the years this has resulted in some notorious mismatches. Most recently, Gov. Tom Wolf was at odds with his first Lt. Gov. Mike Stack. Wolf and Stack never gelled as a team. The relationsh­ip hit rock bottom when the governor took Stack’s state police detail away from him after the lieutenant governor was accused of mistreatin­g those assigned to protect him. Stack ultimately lost his re-election bid to current Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, with whom Gov. Wolf has a warm working relationsh­ip.

Sen. Argall is proposing to have each party’s nominee for governor select their lieutenant gubernator­ial running mate after the May primary. In that way, similar to how presidenti­al candidates essentiall­y pick their running mate for vice president, the compatibil­ity of the candidates would be assured. It also would eliminate voter confusion that often surrounds the process.

For either of these two proposed changes to the process of electing statewide officials to occur requires a state constituti­onal amendment.

That compels the proposed amendments to be approved by two consecutiv­e sessions of the General Assembly and then be placed on the ballot for voter approval.

Hypothetic­ally, if the change in the process for electing a lieutenant governor passes this session, it could come up for a legislativ­e vote again in early 2021 and if approved go on the ballot that November. If approved by voters, it would be in place for the next scheduled gubernator­ial election in 2022.

That would require a lot to go right, including gaining majority support in both chambers.

It is a process that seldom works, but adoption of these amendments would greatly improve the process of electing the appellate court judiciary and the state’s lieutenant governor.

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