The Commercial Appeal

Demand changed vaccine eligibilit­y

City, county hope more will register for shots

- Samuel Hardiman

Demand slack for COVID-19 vaccinatio­ns drove the city of Memphis and Shelby County to open up vaccinatio­ns to everyone 16 and older, city and county leaders said Tuesday.

The city of Memphis and Shelby County announced Monday that appointmen­ts for everyone eligible would open Friday for vaccinatio­ns next week. The move is a long-awaited one for thousands of people who haven’t been eligible for a vaccine because they weren’t old enough or didn’t have pre-existing conditions. It also marks the start of the final push towards herd immunity from COVID-19 and an attempt to return to some sort of normalcy.

“Our aim is to get as many shots into as many arms as fast as we possibly can. And the phenomenon that we were seeing was not only were we not having all of our appointmen­ts filled, but we were having people double book and triple booked appointmen­ts and then being no shows,” said Doug Mcgowen, the city’s chief operating officer and leader of vaccine efforts for Shelby County.

The move towards eligibilit­y for nearly everyone could lead to demand outstrippi­ng supply again, something that hasn’t been the case over the past few weeks as the city and county have had to put out repeated calls for appointmen­ts to be filled.

Mcgowen said Tuesday that the public may need to be patient in waiting for their vaccine and the city and county expect a surge in demand when appointmen­ts open to everyone on Friday.

He said the city and county expect

to receive about 10,000 more doses a week starting the first week of April, going from about 30,000 doses to about 40,000 doses a week.

“I’ll ask for a little bit of patience. Again, our goal is, every vaccine that I receive is matched to an appointmen­t every appointmen­t has a person that fills that appointmen­t. Nobody has to wait an excessive period of time. And that’s how we will be most efficient and effective,” Mcgowen said. “We can have significant uptake but it’s not going to be enough to do everybody in one week or even one month.”

Men are showing hesitancy, second dose appointmen­ts slow to fill

Mcgowen and David Sweat, the deputy director of the Shelby County Health Department, said men are lagging behind women in terms of vaccinatio­ns and that many people are waiting longer than they need to schedule their second dose appointmen­ts for either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccines.

“We need to get vaccinated those of us who are men. And so, if you’re a guy and you haven’t scheduled a shot or you’ve been sort of not thinking about it, this is the time to think about it because it’s available and we all need to do our part to protect the community by getting the shot,” Sweat said.

He said about 60% of the 177,191 people who have received a shot so far have been women.

Mcgowen said the city and county have also noticed that people are taking their time to schedule second-dose appointmen­ts and waiting longer than the minimum 21 days for the Pfizer vaccine and 28 days for the Moderna vaccine.

“The track record is that people have not been taking it as diligently. I will use myself as an example. I received the vaccine I, late one day, had an available vaccine. I received it. I was due at the end of last week, I shouldn’t be receiving my vaccine this week I have not yet scheduled my appointmen­t. I don’t think I’m atypical .... I think that’s happening, and that’s one of the reasons why we’re not seeing the uptake,” Mcgowen said.

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