The Commercial Appeal

Trump rips Mcconnell as rift in GOP escalates

Calls minority leader an ‘unsmiling political hack’

- David Jackson

– Seeking to keep control of a divided Republican Party, former President Donald Trump attacked Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell, the GOP’S highest-ranking elected official, after comments Mcconnell made about Trump’s culpabilit­y for the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol insurrecti­on.

“The Republican Party can never again be respected or strong with political ‘leaders’ like Sen. Mitch Mcconnell at its helm,” Trump said in a statement put out Tuesday by a political action committee called the Save America PAC.

In a stark statement that laid bare the party’s fractiousn­ess over Trump, the ex-president described Mcconnell as a “hack” who will not be able to lead the Republican­s back to victory.

Division within the party has been on display since the Capitol riot, after which 10 House Republican­s voted to impeach him, and seven Senate Republican­s voted to convict him at his impeachmen­t trial Saturday, when he was acquitted.

The statement came three days after Mcconnell criticized Trump over the Jan. 6 attack by a mob of his supporters on the U.S. Capitol. He said he voted to acquit him because he did not think it was constituti­onal to hold an impeachmen­t trial of a former president.

But Mcconnell then held Trump responsibl­e for the attack, saying his false claims of fraud in his election loss to Joe

Biden inspired extremist followers to commit violence.

“This was an intensifyi­ng crescendo of conspiracy theories, orchestrat­ed by an outgoing president who seemed determined to either overturn the voters’ decisions or else torch our institutio­ns on the way out,” Mcconnell said Saturday after the acquittal vote.

Trump has not spoken on camera since the day he left the White House. His office has put out statements under his name.

Trump thanked Republican­s who supported him and, suggesting a future run, said the political movement he began with his 2016 election has “only just begun.”

Trump appears to be winning the internal battle against Republican­s who want him to go away. A Morning CONWASHING­TON

sult/politico poll released Tuesday reported that 54% of GOP voters said they would support Trump in a hypothetic­al 2024 presidenti­al primary election.

Republican­s who back Mcconnell said it is Trump who caused the GOP to lose control of Congress and the White House.

“I love Trump warning about the demise of a party that just lost the House, Senate, and White House under him,” tweeted Brendan Buck, a former spokesman for GOP House Speakers John Boehner and Paul Ryan.

“I am so here for this conflict and so Team Mitch,” Buck said.

Trump also blamed Mcconnell for Republican­s losing control of the Senate, something for which Mcconnell holds Trump responsibl­e.

 ?? BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Former President Donald Trump and Sen. Mitch Mcconnell are waging a war of words as the GOP’S divide widens.
BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Former President Donald Trump and Sen. Mitch Mcconnell are waging a war of words as the GOP’S divide widens.

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