The Commercial Appeal

Pentagon reconsider­s cloud contract

Amazon called bid process ‘flawed’


WASHINGTON – The Pentagon is reconsider­ing its awarding of a major cloud computing contract to Microsoft after rival tech giant Amazon protested what it called a flawed bidding process.

U.S. government lawyers said in a court filing this week that the Defense Department “wishes to reconsider its award decision” and take another look at how it evaluated technical aspects of the companies’ proposals to run the $10 billion computing project.

The filing doesn’t address Amazon’s broader argument that the bidding was improperly influenced by President Donald Trump’s dislike of Amazon and its CEO, Jeff Bezos. Trump often clashes with The Washington Post, a news outlet Bezos owns.

Amazon Web Services is a market leader in providing cloud computing services and had long been considered a leading candidate to run the Pentagon’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastruc­ture project.

The project will store and process vast amounts of classified data, allowing the U.S. military to improve communicat­ions with soldiers on the battlefield and use artificial intelligen­ce to speed up its war planning and fighting capabiliti­es.

Amazon sued the Pentagon after Microsoft won the contract in October. Work on the project has been halted as the lawsuit proceeds.

The judge who is presiding over the bid protest in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims said earlier this month that Amazon’s challenge likely had merit on some technical grounds involving pricing.

The Pentagon is asking the judge for 120 days to reconsider “certain aspects” of its decision. Amazon said in a statement it is pleased the government is taking corrective action if it “fully insulates the re-evaluation from political influence and corrects the many issues affecting the initial flawed award.”

Wedbush analyst Dan Ives said one possible outcome is that the Pentagon could end up splitting the award between Microsoft and Amazon, or with other vendors. That would move the project forward and get it out of the courts, he said.


 ?? CHARLES DHARAPAK/AP FILE ?? The Pentagon is reconsider­ing its awarding of a major cloud computing contract to Microsoft after rival tech giant Amazon protested what it called a flawed bidding process for the $10 billion computing project.
CHARLES DHARAPAK/AP FILE The Pentagon is reconsider­ing its awarding of a major cloud computing contract to Microsoft after rival tech giant Amazon protested what it called a flawed bidding process for the $10 billion computing project.

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