The Commercial Appeal

Executive order provides hope for kidney patients

- Your Turn

President Donald Trump has promised to fight for the forgotten men and women of America, those whose needs and suffering have been too often unheeded by their government.

One forgotten group in health care is the millions of Americans with some stage of kidney disease — especially the more than 700,000 Americans suffering from the final, deadly stage of the disease, kidney failure.

That includes 14,934 patients here in Tennessee, most of whom must go through the incredibly draining experience of receiving kidney dialysis several times a week, for several hours each time.

But there is good news.

Trump recently signed an executive order launching a revolution­ary initiative at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services called “Advancing American Kidney Health.”

The initiative aims to help prevent Americans from experienci­ng kidney failure in the first place, provide more options for treatment once that has occurred, and deliver more life-saving transplant­s.

This is especially important because kidney disease particular­ly burdens our low-income and minority citizens. Kidney failure is three times more common among African-americans than among whites, and low-income Americans are 50 percent more likely to suffer from it than those with higher incomes.

Black and Hispanic Americans are also less likely to receive the transplant­s that represent the best treatment for kidney failure.

New ways for Medicare to pay for treatment

To prevent kidney disease and provide more treatment options, we’re launching new ways for Medicare to pay for kidney care.

For example, nephrologi­sts will soon be able to receive bonuses for preventing the progress of kidney disease in their patients. We’ll give providers a financial stake in getting their patients healthy, as opposed to just paying them for performing more procedures.

We have also proposed a Medicare initiative to give about half of America’s dialysis providers new incentives to provide patients with dialysis at home or even in their beds at night, rather than having them travel to dialysis centers. Today, only 9.8% of kidney patients in Tennessee receive dialysis at home, an option that’s

Too often, Washington focuses on some of the same tired fights in health care year after year, doing nothing for decades to improve how we cover and treat something like kidney disease.

much more common in other countries.

Home treatment is especially important for individual­s and communitie­s struggling to provide for their families — patients who cannot afford to leave their jobs and families several times a week for dialysis.

Increasing the number of transplant­s

To provide more kidney transplant­s, we will be revising how kidneys are obtained from deceased organ donors, allowing better identification of kidneys for transplant.

The executive order also calls for us to expand support for the generous living donors who choose to donate organs.

Changing how we identify transplant­able kidneys from deceased donors, by itself, could produce life-saving organs for an additional 17,000 Americans each year — including some of the 2,773 individual­s waiting for a kidney in Tennessee.

The president’s kidney initiative also includes working with the private sector to develop artificial, implantabl­e kidneys, and continuing support for research into precision-medicine treatments designed to target kidney disease in the population­s that are more likely to be geneticall­y predispose­d to the disease, including African-americans.

We’ll also undertake a national awareness campaign about kidney disease, which is often undiagnose­d in its early stages, like breast cancer and prostate cancer once were. Too often, Washington focuses on some of the same tired fights in health care year after year, doing nothing for decades to improve how we cover and treat something like kidney disease.

Trump is shaking that up and delivering American patients the affordability you need, the options and control you want, and the quality you deserve — especially to patients, like those with kidney disease, who have been forgotten for too long.

Alex M. Azar II is the secretary of Health and Human Services.

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 ?? Alex M. Azar II Guest columnist ??
Alex M. Azar II Guest columnist

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