The Commercial Appeal

Obama praises Italian leader at state dinner


WASHINGTON - Seeking to boost a close ally, President Barack Obama threw his support Tuesday behind efforts that Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is taking to overhaul that country’s political system and enhance its economy, saying that Renzi’s “bold” and “progressiv­e” leadership was exactly what Europe needs at a time of crisis and soul-searching.

Obama invited Renzi to the White House for the final official visit and state dinner of his presidency, telling hundreds of spectators at the arrival ceremony that “we saved the best for last.”

Throughout Tuesday’s events, the two leaders recited a long list of issues on which they agree. They want to speed economic growth through investment­s in infrastruc­ture and to move forward with a sweeping trade agreement between the U.S. and the European Union. They also spoke of the importance of strengthen­ing the NATO alliance and the need to keep sanctions against Russia in place until that nation and Ukraine implement commitment­s under a cease-fire agreement brokered early last year.

Beyond action on specific issues, Obama clearly sought to use the symbolism behind Tuesday’s visit to show support for a leader whom Obama views as one of the most promising young politician­s in Europe. The star treatment came just a few weeks before voters in Italy take up a governing referendum that Renzi has spearheade­d. He has said he would resign if voters reject it.

While Renzi declined to directly answer whether he would follow through on that statement if the referendum is voted down, Obama did, saying, “I am rooting for success, but I think you should hang around for a while no matter what.”

The sound of herald trumpets and a full dose of pomp and pageantry on the South Lawn were orchestrat­ed to welcome Renzi, one of the few world leaders to receive such a reception from the White House.

Renzi, seemingly nodding to the divisive presidenti­al election in the U.S. next month and the United Kingdom’s decision to exit the European Union, said, “I think there are a lot of people who think that politics is only about screaming, fighting each other. Hate creates division. You are different, Mr. President. We are different.”

The two leaders moved from the arrival ceremony to the Oval Office for private meetings. They emerged for a joint news conference in the Rose Garden and again sought to emphasize strong relations between their two nations. Obama said America has many strong allies around the world but that few are as strong, reliable and capable as the bootshaped country. “In good times and in bad, we count on each other,” Obama said.

Meanwhile, Renzi said he’d copied Obama by creating a “jobs act” modeled after the stimulus legislatio­n that Obama pushed when he came into office. Renzi said the initiative had created significan­t jobs in economical­ly challenged Italy, calling it “at least a first step to leave our difficult situation.”


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