The Commercial Appeal

House buyers in stiff competitio­n

Multiple bids on limited inventory

- By Thomas Bailey Jr.


Jim Andrews and Debra Abston really liked an East Memphis house listed for $475,000 in May, offered $501,000 — more money than other would-be buyers — but lost out to another’s slightly lower, cash offer.

Continuing the search for their first house together and now armed with a loan prequalifi­cation, the couple loved even more the next house listed at $499,000 on leafy Greenway. But despite offering $520,000, they failed to land that one, too. Someone else offered $525,000 at the eleventh hour.

“Very devastated,” Debra said of the feeling. “You get so emotionall­y attached to the idea and you think you’re offering substantia­lly more than they are even asking, and that it’s a sure deal.”

Three months later the couple’s real estate agent told them the house next door on Greenway had just come on the market for $549,000. Battle-hardened, they pounced.

Aided by a video-telephonec­all showing — Debra was out of town — they immediatel­y made their strongest offer. It worked. The closing is to occur next month.

The lesson learned:

The Memphis housing market is now a seller’s paradise, where the posting of a “For Sale” sign is for would-be buyers what “Start your engines” is for NASCAR drivers.

Love that house? That first offer better be fast, furious and serious.

Lowballers beware: There were 13,227 houses listed for sale in the Memphis area in Septem-

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