The Commercial Appeal

TV Talk Show Doctor's Shocking Revelation

If you suffer bouts of acid reflux, heartburn, diarrhea, constipati­on, bloating, gas or IBS; beware of digestion remedies like Prilosec®, Prevacid® and Nexium®... They Can Cripple You!

- By Damian Wexler, Freelance Health Reporter

Recently, medical profession­als and alternativ­e medicine experts

have taken to the airways to reveal a simple secret that amazed millions who suffer with digestion nightmares. And people haven’t stopped talking about it since.

“I’d give anything to make it stop!”

That’s what most people will tell you when asked about their digestive problems. “It’s just horrible says Ralph Burns, a former digestion victim. I was tortured for years by my Acid-Reflux. My wife suffers with digestion problems too. If she eats one wrong thing, she spends hours stuck in the bathroom dealing with severe bouts of constipati­on or diarrhea.”

FDA Warns About Popular Antacids

A recent FDA warning explained that excessive use of antacids could lead to an increased risk of hip, wrist, and spine fractures. Especially in people over the age of 50.

So when AloeCure® was presented on National TV, you can imagine how thrilled people were to find out they could finally get relief without having to rely on pharmaceut­ical proton pump inhibitors. But now, your stomach problems could be over by simply drinking a small amount of a tasty Aloe Vera extract everyday. It’s as simple as that!

Finally There’s Hope...

At first, the thought of drinking aloe vera might make some people back away. But in fact, this delicious “digestion cocktail” is doing amazing things for people who suffer with digestive problems --- even if they’ve had them for years. Here’s how it works…

Stop Stomach Indigestio­n

Your stomach naturally produces acid so strong, it can dissolve an aluminum spoon in just 30 minutes! And when excess acid escapes into your esophagus, throat and stomach lining, it unleashes the discomfort of AcidReflux, heartburn, ulcers and more misery. Add the problems of stress, and “all heck breaks loose.”

Dr. Liza Leal, a well known expert on chronic pain management explains... “The AloeCure® can work genuine miracles. It buffers high acid levels with amazing speed. So your stomach feels completely at ease just moments after drinking it.” In fact, it could wipe out stomach discomfort and frantic runs to the bathroom.

Until Now, Little Could Be Done...

But “AloeCure® can help virtually anyone. Even people with chronic stomach indigestio­n can start to feel better right away,” says Dr. Leal. And what’s really exciting is AloeCure® aids in keeping your digestive tract healthy, so with regular use intestinal distress stops coming back. As Ralph Burns goes on to say, “I know

AloeCure® never claimed to be a substitute for drug store products and is only meant to be a helpful supplement. Now though,

AloeCure® is the only product I need for all my digestion issues”

Digestion Defender #1: Balances Stomach Acid

Your first line of defense is calcium malate. This natural acid buffer instantly sends stomach acid levels plunging. And holds acid levels down so they are not likely to return!

Digestion Defender #2: Instant, Soothing Relief

AloeCure® is brimming with polysaccha­rides, a “wonder” compound that gently coats the throat, esophagus and stomach, carrying instant relief to cells scorched by excess acid.

Here’s What Doctors Are Saying!

AloeCure® is backed by important scientific studies that confirm... aloe calms stomach acid and allows your body to heal itself.

Dr. Liza Leal, M.D & Chief Medical Officer at Meridian Medical. says, “That’s why I recommend it to patients who suffer from bouts of heartburn, Acid-Reflux, ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome...”

Dr. Santiago Rodriguez agrees. “Just two ounces of AloeCure® reduces the acids in your stomach by ten times.”

Francisco DeWeever, a Certified Nutritiona­l Microscopi­st, “My patients report their IBS, Crohn’s, Colitis, Constipati­on, Acid-Reflux and a host of other digestive problems have all but disappeare­d.”

After conducting an unpaid investigat­ion about AloeCure® claims and success stories, pure Aloe Vera extract like AloeCure® may be the most important applicatio­n ever discovered for digestive health.

Safe And Easy To Use

With no sugar, no stimulants, and zero calories, AloeCure® is safe, all-natural and has absolutely no side effects. It’s tasty, drug-free, and simple to use. Just drink two ounces, once in the morning, and once at night, and start enjoying immediate life- changing relief!

The makers of AloeCure® have agreed to send you up to 6 FREE bottles PLUS 2 free bonus gifts with your order— they’re yours to keep no matter what. That’s enough AloeCure® for 30 days of powerful digestive relief, absolutely free!

To order simply call our toll free hotline: 1-888-440-1487. But hurry! This is a special introducto­ry offer, reserved for our readers only. Call now, supplies are limited!

 ??  ?? Doctor recommende­d AloeCure® may be the most important applicatio­n ever
discovered for digestive health!
Doctor recommende­d AloeCure® may be the most important applicatio­n ever discovered for digestive health!

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