The Commercial Appeal

Compassion got lost

- Kevin Dean, Memphis

An Aug. 4 letter (“Feast for believers”) envisioned Jesus flashing supporters of Chik-fil-A a thumbs-up as they idled in the drive-thru lane. Despite the fact that this vision was ridiculous on so many levels, it does ask a serious question of all of us: What would Jesus have done that day?

I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and work to emulate Him every day. I am also pro-gay marriage. I think it is inevitable, and eating a chicken sandwich will hardly stop it. I think Jesus would have had his priorities elsewhere.

In planning and executing an event like this, I wonder if Mike Huckabee and Chik- fil-A were strategic in their process. True victory for their cause would have been to sway opinion on the subject. I don’t think anyone’s opinion changed. Those on the fence will most likely yield to history and understand the negative impact this has on the country and the people involved.

My concern, most specifical­ly, are the GLBT youth who have seen this display and taken it as a personal attack by society on what they are already struggling with. In the end, this only polarized America even more about a sensitive topic.

I didn’t see my Christ involved in this event. I did not see his love, understand­ing or compassion. Standing up against someone is different than disagreein­g with them. Showing love and compassion is the only Christian way to live.

I think Jesus would have been down the street at Memphis Union Mission, providing people with dignity and sanctuary

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